Senpai Ni Daisuki Datte Tsutaetai [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Fate Grand Order series, by Flock Blue (AKA Blue_Gk)
I shared so many Hamakaze doujinshi recently, I thought that was still Hamakaze on the cover Actually, well, no, this is a girl called Shielder, or Mash, I’ll let you read the FGO wiki about her.
Good news, you can discard the whole Fate Grand Order context, knowing it is of no importance, we’re, simply, watching, an adorable cutie, with stockings and glasses, having first time sex with the boy she likes and who likes her back. There is intense sex, nice boobs, great deepthroat, and if like me you have a strong torn stockings fetish, you’ll be in high heaven
Enjoy! And thanks to Doujin-Moe ^^
By the same artist, known as Flock Blue and Blue_Gk, I also share MDS – Mash To Dosukebe Suru Hon and Mash To Issho Ni.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(22 MB, 23 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
There’s a Kancolle H doujin that features Hamakaze cosplaying as Shielder.
Actually, it’s kinda important to note that Mash as Shielder is HEY THERE SPOILER ALERT DON’T READ UNLESS YOU’RE 100& SURE!
… host to none other than Galahad from the legend of King Arthur. Yes, the spirit of a male knight was summoned into the body of a big-boobed cute girl and sorta-kinda-but-not-quite-it’s-complicated fused with her soul.
So, it’s a kind of “surprise motherfucker gender bender” situation?
Well, only if the story takes place BEFORE that fact was revealed in-universe to The Protagonist, which to my understanding only happens quite late in the storyline of the first super-arc (the game has a LONG overall storyline composed of multiple super-arcs that each comprise multiple individual story arcs… and the whole thing still hasn’t ended yet).
PS: FGO’s Protagonist is canonically named “Ritsuka Fujimaru”… well, the male version is; the FGO fandom seems to have taken that name as also applying to the female Protagonist, though some choose to feminize the given name into “Ritsuko”.