The Hentairules Gigatorrent, 2006-2018 Edition, is available ! ^_^
Hello everyone!
Here is my new Gigatorrent, containing almost EVERYTHING shared on since its creation in December 2006 until the 31st of December 2018, 582 GB of data
I made that torrent from my blog shares, with also the Audio materials provided by Hurp Durp and the occasional mangas posted by Delta-Oblivion.
Please, don’t try to get it with µtorrent. Instead, use Qbittorrent, it works on ALL platforms, doesn’t have the connexion problems or zero-downloading of µtorrent with gigantic torrents, allows to search for keywords and only download the matching results, and is lighter on your system.)
I hope you’ll like it! ^_______^
Real life coming first, I don’t have the kind time it would take to fix all my old posts and their dead links (if you’re a coder and you know of an auto-reup magical tool, let me know buddy?), I rely on this torrent solution instead
Just click HERE to get the .torrent
Or use this magnet link.
Seedbox owners: if you can long-time mirror it, you’ll be über-cool =)
You don’t have to download everything.
Upon opening the torrent, you can either choose to download only some elements, or everything. It’s your choice.
See that image (from the µtorrent client) :
Or a more detailed example, with Qbittorrent:
screenshot #1 – screenshot #2 – screenshot #3 – screenshot #4 – screenshot #5
Qbittorrent also allows you to SEARCH for keywords inside the contents of the torrent.
Here’s a screenshot.
Meaning: load the .torrent inside qbittorrent, but choose to download nothing yet, click the “filter” search box in the “contents” tab, and search for what you want, only ticking the box in front of it
That’s 582 GB of data.
The gigapack’s contents go into 5 main folders :
– Audios (20 GB)
– Computer Graphics (4 GB)
– Mangas (509 GB)
(including the doujinshi and the rare western comics)
– Pictures Packs (6 GB)
(all the picture packs, also western artists, and animated gifs + very short themed vids)
– Videos (41 GB)
(all of them, the hentai movies, JAV, and 3D videos)
The Mangas folder is the largest.
The syntax of its subfolders and of the files inside is:
[ Artist’s name ] , [ Title of the manga ] , [ English/Japanese ]
When there are more than one share by an artist, that artist is given his/her own folder, with only his name in it, and his mangas are inside as sub-folders.
See that example (from the Official Bittorrent Client) :
What’s missing from this torrent ? Only:
– Every single manga the WANI publishing Group has asked me to take down from my blog posts on hentairules (I carefully checked from the emails they sent me and, sorry to tell you, if they ask me to remove more, I’ll humbly follow suit, including from the torrent.)
– Same for the contents that Jacob, from Fakku, has asked me to remove from Hentairules, I scanned the emails he sent me and removed from the torrent what he asked me to remove. Deal with it guys, Jacob never belonged to the side you thought, he really thinks that if you can’t afford it you have to abstain from reading it and he has no issue with stopping being the ideal bridge that gave every-day chances and reminders to pay to the people enjoying the tons of well-sorted free stuff, and who are now simply going to move to other sites that don’t give them any incentive to pay (my thoughts, in an image).
– Some picture packs (lost for no reason)
– A few English shares (lost for no reason)
– Lots of hentai movies (I didn’t really care to keep them, frankly, you get the ones that survived mostly by accident)
– Lots of old raw mangas (lost after a huge mistake, years ago)
– A number of the posts by Delta Oblivion (I downloaded most of the recent ones, but forgot the old ones until it was too late, sorry -_-)
– Lots of JAV movies (I only have the ones I uploaded myself)
– The Smaller or Recompressed versions, this torrent only contains full-size versions (to reduce the total size of the gigapack, ironically)
– The redundant versions: if I share a “something volumes 1-2-3”, I see no point in also allowing into the torrent the individual volumes 1, 2 and 3 (random example )
Just click HERE to get the .torrent
Or use this magnet link.
What if you still have on your disk the contents of the previous Gigatorrent ?
– Most of the already existing contents are the same, you can simply let your torrent client do its default behaviour, recognize it is already present and can be skipped (and if you’re paranoid, mark your existing files as read-only – it cannot hurt.)
– The other folders kept their name and their contents didn’t change much, it’s only that new elements were added in them, so you can also safely allow your torrent client to resume the download over the same location
– A cause for occasional manual work for you: every year, minor changes are still made in the Mangas directory. When I go from having 1 work by an artist, to having several works by this artist, I create a new directory with this artist’s name, and place inside it the directories containing each of this artist’s works. I also “enrich” directories names with info about aliases or circles names, after I find out about it. You’ll have to do a bit of work about that, sorry, no way around it.
– Rarely, I renamed stuff. Wrongly spelled names. Or cropping the names of zips and directories, to reduce the total PATH length it takes, with, in aim, to never go over a length of 235 characters, for safety (larger than that and the files/directories will be impossible to download, weird torrent client errors and shit, let’s just avoid the problem).
Advice about clients, now
The most commonly known clients are µTorrent, Vuze, Deluge, and Qbittorrent.
Forget µtorrent (that I tested to fuck up real good leeching the gigatorrent, again and again). Go for the alternatives.
I was charmed by Qbittorrent, personally. It works on all platforms, it’s fast, it does the job without a fuss, you can perform keyword searches to only manually download what you personally choose, and when µtorrent was failing to work as expected in the tests, qbittorrent didn’t have any problem.
I’ll add feedback about these clients :
– (1) Verification speeds: your client compares (a) what you already have with (b) what you want to download. If you already downloaded a huge volume of data (like 90% of the gigatorrent), that’s a lot of comparison to do, so the verification time before the download can start/resume will be long. That’s the prob with crazy 50++ GB large torrents
I noticed µtorrent takes super longer than the competition to do that verification. A measure made with the first version of the torrent, the 2014 version: on my disk, Vuze took 71 minutes to verify a complete 375 GB gigatorrent before starting to seed it, while µtorrent was in the three hours.
But 2018’s huge winner in my eyes is Qbittorrent, verifying faster than Vuze itself.
Fortunately, downloading will start near-immediately as long as you download from scratch, or have only a few gigabytes of the torrent’s content on your disk
Also, if you’re filthy rich, I learned from Kuzko that the verification speed is determined by the quality of the hard disk, so if you want faster verifications, download the torrent to an SSD disk. Lucky for you, the price of SSD disks is sooooooo much lower than when I first made a gigatorrent, in 2014.
– (2) Choosing only a few folders: it’s perfectly intuitive with µtorrent.
Vuze won’t allow you to choose which folders/subfolders to download or not. So, if you want to download only a few parts, do not use Vuze.
With Qbittorrent, by default it chooses to download everything, you’ll have to look around: (option 1) screenshot #1 – screenshot #2 – screenshot #3 – (or option 2) screenshot #4 – screenshot #5.
– (3) Searching for something specific, like a name: as Kaiserham told us in the comments of the previous Gigatorrent, Qbittorrent allows it! It’s in the “Content” tab, mid-height, there is a search field In that case, choose to NOT start downloading the torrent, or to start the torrent but select no file at all to download, then run the filtering, tick the boxes in front of the names you want, either folders or files, and you’re good, click to start downloading
Here’s a screenshot.
Lastly, I would like to express my great thanks to Kuzko, who helped me through it all. Without his help, his explanations, everything he did himself (for he did everything!), and his seedboxing, there wouldn’t have been a Hentairules Gigatorrent, at all. Thank you, really
Just click HERE to get the .torrent
Or use this magnet link.
thanks a lot oliver
well, actually I am not yet finished sorting your last Gigatorrent, and this . . .
God of hentai, please give your believer more strength
Oops, lol ^^
Your comment made me add a new part to my post, in case it may help sincing stuff:
« What if you still have on your disk the contents of the previous Gigatorrent ?
– Most of the already existing contents are the same, you can simply let your torrent client do its default behaviour, recognize it is already present and can be skipped (and if you’re paranoid, mark your existing files as read-only – it cannot hurt.)
– I merged the Picture Packs and Animated gifs folders: you’d have to place them in a “Pictures Packs” directory
– The other folders kept their name and their contents didn’t change much, it’s only that new elements were added in them, so you can also safely allow your torrent client to resume the download over the same location
– I made minor changes in the Mangas directory. For instance, creating a new folder to contain a variety of works by an artist, while before there was only 1 work by this artist. Rarely, renaming a wrongly spelled name. I sometimes renamed zips and directories, to reduce the total PATH length it takes, with, in aim, to never go over a length of 235 characters, for safety. »
Hopefully it can help you save a bit of time
Thakyou for your help, but i just need one think, patience (two if time is count). I have all file from your site before, but because an accident all of my file lost. Now I have your file from previously torrent plus your update after that.
I can’t really complain you know, because I already get your collection before storm is coming (WANI, Jacob, etc). Just need time to sorting my collection. Time and patience
Oliver is there any chance that you could provide a list of what was “censored”?
Doing so wouldn’t infringe of anybody’s copyright.
Elldallan, find me a msdos/powershell command to generate a list of directories following currentdir, limited to a depth of 1 subdir, and I’ll copy-paste you the printed output
If it were linux, I’d cheat with du –block-size=MiB –max-depth=1 | sort -n that I use to check for large directories forgotten behind on my server, but the windows bash doesn’t allow to go and browse the real partitions, too bad.
EDIT: wait no it’s possible I was wrong.
EDIT2: better suffix for sorting, -k2
12MiB ./Akinosora, With a Klutz ( (English)
1129MiB ./Bosshi
252MiB ./Distance, Girls Lacrosse Club + Extras (English, Tank)
2050MiB ./Gunma Kisaragi
149MiB ./Hamao
801MiB ./Hisasi
232MiB ./Homunculus, Renai Sample ( (English, Reedited)
608MiB ./Hyoco Road (Hyocorou)
228MiB ./Ikegami Tatsuya, Mitsuiro No Kousokuihan ( (English)
97MiB ./Isao, Nama Purin ( (English)
27MiB ./Kotengu, Nama-iki Sakari (English, Tank Scans)
15MiB ./Kurokoshi You, Tanu Chichi ( (English)
1151MiB ./Meme50
27MiB ./Mutsutake, Meguridokoro + 1.5 ( (English)
23MiB ./Napata, Ever Since Then ( (English)
11MiB ./Napata, House-Sitting ( (English)
18MiB ./Napata, Natsuyasumi (Summer Break) ( (English)
530MiB ./Naruko Hanaharu
2052MiB ./Nisemidi Doronokai (Ishikei)
13MiB ./Pyonkichi, Cross Sister ( (English)
381MiB ./ReDrop, Henkano ( (English)
143MiB ./ReDrop, Summer Love ( (English)
137MiB ./Sameda Koban, Momozono Gakuen Danshiryou Ni Youkoso ( (English)
313MiB ./Thomas, Honey Syrup ( (English)
109MiB ./Tohzai, Nadenade Shikoshiko ( (English)
280MiB ./Tosh, Harem Time hentai anime
202MiB ./Tosh, Harem Time ( (English, Uncensored)
589MiB ./Tosh, Menkui Hentai Anime
145MiB ./Tosh, Menkui ( (English, Uncensored)
364MiB ./Tsukino Jyogi, After School ( (Engllish, Tank)
1192MiB ./Yamatogawa
196MiB ./Yoshiura Kazuya, Love Distortion ( (English)
11MiB ./Yuuki Shin, Happening Library ( (English)
Started my resume of the torrent. Once it’s done, I’ll remove and re-add to reinitialize the seed ratio.
Should be on it now, seeding will come later, but people downloading files that I have already should notice a difference.
Thanks, Oliver!
If anyone has issues with the torrent, they can contact me on twitter @kuzko_topia or on IRC i should hang around here for the next day or so
To commemorate the latest torrent containing ALL that is Hentai Rules:
What is this ?
An animation segment parodying the appearance of the monolith from “2001: A Space Odyssey”.
You are “Hentai GOD”
Nope, just a fan not forgetting what I’d have liked to find myself in my younger years ^^
I got, the drive is now 160 USD which is still respectable.
Oh my dear hentai god, the prices sure have gone down O_o
For hardly less than that, I paid for my current system 120 GB SSD disk O_o
I wouldn’t get too upset over Fakku. The last time I looked, was giving away for free everything that Fakku was charging for. That doesn’t seem like a viable business model to me.
Thanks for the torrent! As ever, you rock.
Not sure at all, Pavlov, I remember searching for something on and finding the result page was redirected me to the Fakku store. This means you cannot completely trust them to have everything. Besides, like nhentai, they’re just leeching automatically from ehentai with a delay, so if something is taken down fast enough from e-h, I am not sure it will make it to the two other sites.
Much appreciation for all the hard work Oliver!!
I’m not going to say it to everyone, but you’re most welcome =)
Thank Oliver, i’m visit your webpage almost everyday since 2007, time travel so fast, thank your all hard work
Well shucks, this is exactly what I’ve been wanting to see but the new stuff isn’t separated from the older torrent. Like Mumei I still haven’t gotten through the old one, but for me I cull out the ones I don’t like so i’ll have to go back and compare the old and new torrent lists to find the new stuff.
Hope i’m not coming off as whining, what you do here is awesome man!
I can’t blame you Schizo, I understand it comes as an issue for you.
Early 2107, maybe, I might be able to offer a single “only 2016” diff. Maybe.
No need for a separate one, just for the future ones maybe make base folders like “2006-2015” and “2016-Present”. That would separate new and old without too much hassle and keep the torrents together.
Thanks again for all you do here!
Yeah, but the whole point of a well sorted collection is to have everything belonging in a definite group (like: the works by an artist) gathered in one single place…
First of all, thank you for doing this Oliver.
I have the same issue as Schizo. I downloaded the 2014 gigapack. I went through all files and deleted about 1/3 that I didn’t like and renamed / rearranged the remaining folders. Now it would be a huge task for me to go through all files in 2015 pack (or every pack in the future) and sorted out which ones I kept from 2014 pack, and which ones were new stuff. I will greatly appreciate if you can create seperate torrents for yearly update of 2015, 2016, and in the future!
Hey Cranky
It’s a problem, I am able to see things from your perspective, and I realize it means a LOT of time lost, and added annoyance.
However, please, you have to also see things from my perspective.
We are talking about MASSIVE
– amounts of data
– complexity
– time required to deal with it
And then, it also boils down to how my hentai is stored. Once shared, uploads go into a temporary folder, and are then merged into the all-time “hentai shares” directory.
However, there are a lot of come-and-go between those directories. I’ll update things. It can be:
– a new chapter of something shared earlier
– a new version like a decensoring or better scans
– work that used to be a standalone share, but that has been later on repacked as part of a later-shared tankoubon
In those cases, I’ll usually cut from the old collection directory, paste it back into the new shares, and move it to the temporary directory with the recent new shares.
Quickly enough, that calls for merging between the temporary folder of recent shares, and the long term storage of older shares, with quick browsing (taking usually one hour) for folders beginning by the same-name and shares by artists already having their own folder.
I don’t know if you see the idea: my hentai storage is totally NOT date based.
Lots of come-and-go.
Need to resync several times a year.
Plus the obligation to scan the emails I received that mention blacklisted volumes or mangakas because wani or because fakku.
To hope I could separate the shares of the latest year is simply unrealistic, it’s not practically doable for me.
I *understand* it would be a great help, but not a great help I can offer, I very much regret to say
*does the happy dance*
Seedboxing this for the next couple of weeks to give back to the community. Thanks Oliver.
can someone check the gunma kisaragi folder in the torrent I don’t see some titles?
They’re Wani.
It\’s not like I didn\’t write extremely clearly already what was missing from the torrent, didn\’t I ?
Basically, you can assume that if something is missing, that was on request from Wani or from Jacob.
Ahh sad, I’ve been downloading since the 17th and the past 2 days stuck at 69% ='(
Hm ? Weird. There are tons of sources so far.
Did you try shutting down your client, and letting it resume the download ?
It may take some time (like over an hour) for the torrent to start (comparing what is already present with what is requested, and checking everything already present is OK), and then it should resume…
I’ve already tried removing, re-verifying and other stuff but switching torrent clients at least made it download from peers ranging from 0KiB/s to 5MiB/s. The previous client (Vuze) works fine with other torrents ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
thanks a lot oliver! I lost my 1TB collection (your last year gigatorrent + my own JAV collection T_T) due to an CRC error now I need to start from scratch… thanks!
I’m currently using qbittorrent 3.2.3 and when I add the torrent and try to access it to select or deselect a folder the program freezes, maybe its the 15.000 files or something, idk… Is this normal?
Well, no, this isn’t normal. Maybe the program froze for the wrong reasons ?
Try again, or with another client, then…
Thanks a bunch for this!!
Going to download this someday
This is just awesome!
All the stuff I have been wanting for years ready for download.. just can’t believe it! The magnet link worked perfectly with Tixati.
Oliver, just let me know if I can fork in a bit of money your way… you saved me so much time searching for all these goodies. I feel like I owe you.
Thank you so much.
I am in the process of downloading every releases starting from January to this coming December 2016. I plan to categorize them via the month they were released and zip ’em all together(or maybe leave ’em just categorized in folders and choose what you lack/want). They are all in full size version. I’ll drop the link here first thing in January next year if anyone wants to download via mega.
That, sir, would be simply awesome.
es mucho
hmm not many ppl seeding -_- my torrent client indicates need 5w to download 400GB torrent. *sigh* .well thx for the torrent though
Is there a mistake in Manga / Miyabi?
Two folders “Junjou Shoujo Et Cetera …” and one contains “” …
Sometimes the filename got blacklisted on the upload site, so he had to rename it. Unless you meant it’s in the wrong folder too?
Dunno about the other one :X
No idea for the folder thingy, but, yeah, it’s as Hurp said. Uploading is very annoying with the file names, the are tons of keywords that are blocked, and false positives aren’t their problem. You can’t upload a file named “skyscraper” because it contains “rape”, for instance.
So when will then next gigatorrent come out?
today :3
is there an up date for 2016?
No, my disks fucked me too many times, dying with the in-progress gigatorrent. I gave up that year.
I am back with new hardware that ensured safely ran operations
I’m curious about the NAS you’re using. I plan to get one some day to put all my drives in RAID 5.
The comments below on the other side of HERE will be about the 2006-2017 gigatorrent
Thanks man, Updating the torrent now, will be seeding until the next one comes out, Thanks!
Thank you very much for the seeding, long time seeders sometimes make the entire difference between life and death, as it encourages others too
I absolutely seed this, but i need to make some space on my HDD for all the goodness. Thanks oliver!
Greatly appreciated, the more seeders the better
Oliver, I’m taking you at your word that it’s time to upgrade my BitTorrent client. Of course, my geriatric brain may crumble at the task of learning qBittorrent. I’m coming off of uTorrent, which I just noticed that I’ve been referring to as mu-torrent. Thanks, Love Live, now I look like even more of an anime moron.
Oh, and thank you for the new gigatorrent!
Well, you can continue with utorrent (I pronounce it “youtorrent”, personally. “Microtorrent”, the supposedly true way, sounds too weird) if you like, just don’t complain if it takes too long to verify before downloading, or if it doesn’t start downloading altogether
“Transmission” is also about as “Lite” as you can get with a torrent program. Though i use qbittorent already.
I will keep seeding this torrent for a while. Leech me people!
I think there’s a problem with those comments date. It’s dated from a year ago ^^
Thank you ^^
The old comments are because I brought back the post with the previous gigatorrent, updated its text and changed its date. I figured it’s making much more sense than writing a new post every year
0,2 kB/s
Impossible to download anything.
– try another client
– check the connexion settings for your torrent client
– look around if you don’t need to set up port forwarding with your router for torrents to go through
– i’m using uTorrent (which one i can use?)
– how?
– nope, i have unlocked everything
Read before posting, thanks. =_=
And if you really REALLY want to stick with uTorrent, get version 2.2.1. It’s the last decent version they made before turning to shit.
after losing all of it last year, i’m only gonna get my favs this year. Anyone got authors that draws similar to takasugi kou, maimumaimu, shunjou shuuske you can please advise me so i can go only that way
Qtorrent suck, utorrent still rocks
¿Yamagotawa and Bosshi are missing?.
Where is Hisasi ? i cant find Find Hisasi in this Divine Gigatorrent
I still keep getting a “Failed to load torrent, metadata too large” error.
Nevermind. I updated my torrent program & it appears to be working fine now.
Hey, I noticed that Aquables isn’t on here sadly
hello oliver,
I think that there is a huge problem with this torrent, as it doesn’t respect the 256 character supported by windows, my torrent client refuse to download almost 80% of the torrent.
Is there a trick that i do not know about to workarround this?
Thanks a lot anyway for the job
Hey Xav. The trick is to NOT download it to a subfolder but to the root of a partition, and even then, you can rename the directory that the torrent client wants to create, you can simply name it to “h” instead of hentairules gigatorrent, you see the idea?
Guys The torrent for some reason its now working. Is the Torrent down?
Hi, The torrent for some reason is not working. Is the Torrent down?
Yamatogawa pack is missing from the torrent
DMCA’ed, sorry
i keep getting the error ” This file is 12 MiB, exceed download limit 10 MiB”.. that prevent me from downloading. Do you know why?
btw, my storage is not enough so i located the download to be in an external drive. Does this work?
In what software do you get that error message preventing you from downloading? Downloading the .torrent works for me with firefox, at least ^^
Also, using external drive storage might be a bad idea, as there are unavoidable latencies between each disk access, while precisely torrenting is about hundreds of concurrent disk accesses. I may be wrong (honestly you’d better check with a search on that topic) but I suspect that will give you super shitty download speeds.
Better, maybe, download only chunks of it to your internal storage, one by one, and move it to your external drive. Or, once again, I may be wrong.
Thanks for replying. Yeah youʻre right, it could be because of my software and the drive. Itʻs neither firefox nor chrome. I think i need to wait for a while till i boost my system up
, it hardly works with torrent in this condition. Again, thank you for helping.
You mean, your torrent client pops up with this “file over 10 mb” message? Try the usual mainstream clients then, maybe?
Alternatly, try clicking the magnet link (control-F in the post), it might overcome that obstacle, as it doesn’t imply to directly download a .torrent file…
was Ring x Mama taken down too?
Quick tip, with qbittorrent you can perform a search before proceeding to downloading. Open the .torrent with qbittorrent, hit the search
Slower answer: I just don’t remember right now lol
haha yeah i searched manually with utorrent by alphabetical order but can’t find them, at least there is velvet kiss so i’m fine already thanks!
Is there a 2018 update for this Gigatorrent?
Yeah. I’m too short on time but I do it on my spare time, soon now
Is there a way to separate the 2018 update from the other one, because I have the big one but I just need the 2018 one and I don’t want to overwrite the old one.
Torrents with compressed (zip/rar) files are fucking stupid. Not only do I have to uncompress every single fucking doujinshi to see what is in it and check rapidly if it’s to my taste, but I either don’t seed the torrent or it takes double the space.
And that’s exactly why I downloaded everything, kept around 4 folders of artist packs and deleted the rest of the torrent.
It’s one of the rules of the internet, if you act out of anger and use rude words, the odds are strongly in favour of you looking like a fool. We’ve all been in your shoes.
Let us spare you technical details: the number of individual files inside a torrent matters. A manga made of 200 pages or made of a single zip, multiplied by thousands of other mangas, it makes a gigantic difference. The difference between the feasable and the technically impossible.
Additionally, if that can quell your dissatisfaction, would you be interested in that information, a growing number of people use tools such as HoneyView (I’ll let you google it) that offers considerable reading comfort and doesn’t require to extract the archives beforehand. This is unpractical for someone like me who likes to rename my favourite pics for safekeeeping and rereading, but most of the readers don’t do that.
Spare me the technical details indeed, as an uploader I know them and you’re talking out of your ass : this doesn’t change shit. “technically impossible” do you realize how fucking ridiculous your statement sounds, considering the size and number of files of some massive torrents out there, some of them quite old now?
Just to be clear, creating a 90 to 100 GB torrent composed of 130 to 150k images, with a piece size of 1 MB takes around 5 to 15 mins on a computer up to date. With a torrent of that size, you should actually go for 4 MB piece size, which is slightly faster and gives you a smaller torrent file. This also helps seeding. So tell me, what is the TECHNICALLY IMPOSSIBLE part of a 500 GB hentai torrent? There is nothing exponential here by the way, probably because bittorrent doesn’t care about the number of files itself. If that’s still too long for you, consider not mindlessly making one single giant torrent but splitting it in parts instead.
Acting all pretentious to in the end offer a solution that comes with a software that doesn’t even satisfy you yourself haha. Guess what, it doesn’t satisfy me either, partly because I already use HappyPanda which doesn’t like having the pics in a folder inside the archive.
So let’s be honest already. The only reason you used zips for this torrent is because your regular uploads were and are zips. That’s fair, I actually don’t hold it against you. Even I wouldn’t have bothered. But my point stand : zip files in torrents are shit and the reason why I won’t seed nor use this one. And that’s a shame (for me).
Hey, thanks for the work Oliver. Don’t worry about that rude asshole. I actually prefer zip files because they work with all the various comic reader programs out there. Keep up the great job!
Hello. For some reason, my seedbox won’t add this. I was able to and am still seeding the last two gigatorrent. But I can’t add this. Sure, I use ruTorrent but is that really the problem?
Kinda weird. Do you get an error message or something?
You tried the magnet, perhaps?
No error messages. I even get a message saying it was successfully added. I tried both magnet and torrent file. And yes, I have filespace. I’m going to ask my seedbox provider.
I’m curious, Shiro, you got any response about that? If there’s an issue on my end, or in the torrent’s settings rather, it will be good to know O_o
Why am i the only one who can’t download the files. Tried pc with qbitt and my android device with flud and ut. I thoght downloading torrents is simple and easy. Am i missing anything?
Probably, but the question is: WHAT are you missing o_O
What’s happening, if I may ask, an error message of sorts?
That is the problem.. nothing happens.. no errors.. nothing. I simply navigated the torrent file to download only one file -which is one of fuetakishi’s works btw- but nothing happens.. it dosn’t download. Waited for like hour and a half and still no downloading. said okay maybe the fueta is too strong for my torrent.. tried another one.. and another one.. till i lost hope.
The same goes for magnet links.. downloading metadata takes too long.. way more than it should. I waited for an hour or so. Does it usually take that long with such large torrents?
The download should begin in a dozen seconds, tops.
What’s taking long is when you have a gigantic amount of data already downloaded, and then the program wants to compare, or more likely, calculate, what is already present, and what isn’t present yet, to know exactly what to resume, and where to resume it. Think of a surprisingly long slowdown before downloading starts if you’ve downloaded over ten gigabytes, stopped the torrent client, and relaunch it later.
In your case, well, no clue.
The standard questions:
– did you try to download in the root of a partition, or in a sub, sub, sub, sub, subdirectory? Go for the root, not in multiple subdirs.
– in qbittorrent, to “force” start the download, you right click the file in the big window and click to force resume, you can also do a force verification before that, and for god’s sake, do NOT use the automatic management feature, it decides to move everything to another supposedly default directory and it can take hours (with my gigatorrent, it did)
– in utorrent, there’s another “hidden” option, in the right click, priority, there’s a risk to have asked to not download, and then, surprise mofo, it doesn’t download
– did you try another client instead of qbittorrent? Utorrent also allows to tick what do DL even if they don’t have the super handy search upon opening the .torrent file
Other than that… shit, I don’t know O_o
Well.. my man.. thaaank you soooooo much for replying. That’s why i love your site.. you care for everyone. Looks like the problem is on my side since its working with everyone else. I tried another clients.. the download to the root.. everything you suggested.. but as you can expect no luck. I say its from my old pc, or my older disk.. maybe even the internet from where i live. There have been times where i couldnt download anything that comes from a torrent source.. even with vpn.
Also i Didnt bother with my smartphone cause the file is probably more powerful than the torrent apps can deal with. Thaaaank you again.. keep up the good work.. much love and respect♥
I salute you sir, and thank you. This is a lot of dedicated work.
so does this mean no bosshi?
Regrettably, yeah
Thanks for Dec 2018 version! Shame about the lost and licensed stuff, but I have the old torrent from 2007-2015. So those shares are actually still being seeded as we speak
Thanks for the great work as always!
I’m still seeding the 2015, 2017 and the most recent packs
Still sad about not having one in 2016. Rubs my OCD the wrong way XD
Any chance you can share torrent links for those packs? Seems they were removed.