Mesudachi (“Boyish Girlfriend”) [English], by Z-Ton
–Update: Mesudachi now has more volumes, see below for their links
Oh, NICE! Here is a very good hentai manga, I would be inclined to call it “unspoken vanilla”, two childhood friends who become lovers but play it like they’re just sexfriends and there isn’t something special between them. Like they’re fooling any reader on Earth ^^
Despite the occasionally annoying black bar censorship, the art was fresh, arousing, very original, sometimes reminding me of a mangaka or another, it’s so rare for an artist to give me the impression I’m watching something new! You’ll have pretty good vaginal sex, if you wonder.
Also, sometimes, there are memorable quotes, my favorite being “Sorry, it was an accident” – “Don’t accidentally rape your friend!” ^^;;
Axalon, Freudia, Constipat8, HayateK4L, EcchiNeko and Vnk, from Team Koinaka, are behind this release, thank you!
By the same artist, there would be also Mesudachi volumes 2-3, Mesudachi volume 4 and Nightmare√♀.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(26 MB, 30 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Started off rather forced/rapey … but by the end, I conclude:
And briefly introducing a classmate who’s student council president/daughter of a shinto priest/ possible esper … smell potential for a threesome in the future
Off to a good start, I hope the artist will add more.
Nice! And hey, I had no idea Z-ton did vanilla stuff, I only knew him for his monster girl doujins.
Just noticed the artist’s name: “Uh, Z-ton, nice, …Wait, that was NOT something with monster girls….hm….alternate world??”
Wow Z-ton draw none-monster girl,how rare!
“Don´t accidentaly rape your friend.” is one of those special quotes that belong in the Hall of Absurd in Hentai together with “This isn´t sex, this is a pussy blowjob”, “Someone is started a half-rape.” and “My horse pussy feels soooooooo gooooood!”.
Which will go well with one of my all-time favorites: “mouths have no gender, you faggot!”
And Homunculus’ greatest quote:
“I´m going to rape you! Are you ok with that?” (Facepalm)
Oliver-san needs (if it’s not already done) to create a post for all those absurd quotes … to include one that has stuck in my mind from a work by (hope I spell it right, without looking it up) Tsukino Jyogi (it is posted here, too):
Female protagonist: “My womb’s becoming a woman.”
Well, there WAS an hentai quotes post, you know ^^
That said, I’d gladly reckon that, since 2015, it ought to receive updates. I don’t know where to look for a compilation though.