Kurokawa-San To No Yasumi Jikan [English], by Saemon
More love -> More sex -> More love.
You may call it stereotypical, but I don’t care, this provides wonderful vanilla, soothing our hearts, and making us feel all better inside
In this share, a reserved and overall introvert girl, with a loveable personality once you get to know her, finds a boyfriend who likes her and we’re offered to watch, not their first time, but the first time the girl really lifted her foot from the brake pedal and fully gave in to pleasure. The boy fell in love a second time, basically, it was cute ^^
That might not have been the very best work by Saemon, in terms of drawing quality, but it is still top of the shelf for both the art and the storyline, so, dear hentaiers, ENJOY! ^_^
And thanks to Dopeswaggu and Yuzuru Katsuragi
I bet you want more? Don’t miss The list of Saemon’s works on Hentairules!
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(29 MB, 20 pictures, English)
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Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Combination of “D’AWWWWW!” and “HNNNGGG!” … and it’s SUPER-EFFECTIVE!