Uranus-san Vs Toumei Ningen [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Sailor Moon series, by Bang-You

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments

And in case you had forgotten how creepy X-rays were, look at the upper part of this picture

The scenario in this Sailor Moon doujinshi goes from weird to weirder ^^
At first, Sailor Uranus is fighting a tentacle youkai, the obligatoring groping and tentacle play happens naturally, but Uranus had a second foe, an invisible man who plays all sorts of naughty tricks on her, and even follows her home after she’s beaten the tentacles guy. And, shamefully but with guilty pleasure, she lets the invisible rapist have his way with her ¯\_(°_o)_/¯

It’s presented with an original and pleasant art style, at least, that I wanted to commend and share. Sure, it may not be what I dig, but I know good art when I see it nonetheless, the flushed faces Uranus does, her good-looking body, the sex she gets, the quite tolerable amount of censorship, it’s well done :)
Side note, I applied a faint levels correction on the images.

Thanks to Naxus NL for this release! :jap:
And inb4 you want to tell: I know there are others works by this mangaka out there. I forgot to check before preparing that share, and found out too late T__T You know what, I’ll make another repack soon with those.

By the same artist, known as Bang-You, Manguri Cannon and Nagaredamaya, I also share Stopwatcher (202 pictures), UrAnus, Shidoukan Future, Shidoukan Crouching + Shidoukan Outdoor, Yoruneko-san No Shunkou Raijuu Ikaryaku, Bang You Collection Vol 3, Degeneration and Lunar Eclipse.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(27 MB, 26 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2


Hey everyone :)

You're reading a post I prepared, and scheduled, in advance. At the present time, I'm somewhere in the middle of France with my wife and kids, on holidays. The landscapes of Auvergne, entirely man-made and yet still so superb, under an immense sky, fifteen minutes on the road and you're in the middle of nowhere with nobody around except the occasional fellow hiker... I can't get enough of it.

I hope the post isn't broken or anything, but if I screwed up for some reason... what can I do, deal with it :D
Take care while I'm away, enjoy the beautiful days of July, and meet you back on Monday the 30th! :-)

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6 years ago

Wondering if, somewhere out there, someone’s drawn a story where its main male protagonist is set upon by an invisible (hopefully female in nature) assailant in similar manner – although I’m personally not in a rush to see, read or add to my collection such a thing.

Probably a case for Gender Equality.

6 years ago

You’re trolling us, aren’t you? That’s not Sailor Jupiter, it’s Sailor Uranus. That’s why it says Sailor Uranus in the title. That’s why it says Sailor Uranus on the first page. That’s why she’s not wearing Sailor Jupiter’s green clothing.

I’m not that well versed in the Outer Senshi, but I know this is the butch lesbian lover of the feminine lesbian, Sailor Neptune. This was so naughty in the U.S. that when they recorded the audio they pretended these two were actually cousins, not lovers. As in, “Who’s that girl you’ve been hanging out with lately?” “Oh, that’s my COUSIN, wink wink.”

6 years ago

I’ll admit it can be hard to keep the nine sailors straight, but there’s tricks you can use. Uranus sounds like “your anus” so you just have to picture Sailor Uranus taking it in the butt. Pages 18 thru 20 didn’t happen by accident! While I generally remember Jupiter as the biggest planet while Sailor Jupiter has the biggest tits. Easy!

Your focus might be on the artists, since you run a doujinshi site. Bang-You has done a BUNCH of Sailor Uranus stories, while Black Dog likes doing the inner planets, including Jupiter. So if she’s getting molested by monsters and old guys, it’s Jupiter! If she’s taking it in the pooper, it’s Uranus!

6 years ago

Bang-you makes a lot of Uranus doujin, all art wise good but most story wise meh . Still it’s great to see Uranus .

6 years ago
Reply to  kokolasticot

Uh, not sure whether that comment was a play on the truth, or an attempt to troll.

And there actually is a third option:


4 years ago

Someone’s science project got loose.