Lunch Time No Kouhai [English], an adorable vanilla hentai work by Yuzuha
Awwww =) In this share, a loner grumpy-looking highschooler meets a girl while he was hoping to enjoy a meal alone on the school’s rooftop, and soon enough they’ve become lunch buddies. Feelings blossom, eventually they’re lovers, and all along, I had this lovely WAFF feeling inside me, the vanilla was strong and was very, very enjoyable
NecroManCr has picked a quality publication, thanks a loooooot! ^_^
By the same artist, to this day, I also share Kawaranai Omoi, Mash To Futari De, Aoki-san Ha Hoshigari (“Aoki’s Desires”) Gohoubi ♥ Sensation, XX Complex, a pack of 2 works (Icha Love Daisakusen + Mitame To Chigau No), Ganbare! Oda-san and After The Rain.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(11 MB, 22 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Cuteness Level? What else could it be if NecroManCr chose to translate it.
Reading this, I’m reminded of an anime I watched with the scary looking guy and a girl he hung out with nicknamed, “the palm top tiger.”
You’re talking about Toradora, great show. I can see similarities here.