Love Note [English], by Ojo

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

Large foreheads are sexy in hentai. In hentai.

The girl’s face in that share strongly reminded me of a porn actress in a precise scene: Athena Faris, in her Team Skeet audition. I got it myself with this link (courtesy of the bountiful PlanetSuzy).

Putting aside my questionable browsing habits on which I gave clues just now, I’ll say this is a fairly good share, starring a carefree girl with an adorably weird personality. The boy she likes had no idea she was SO openly sexual and fancied him, huhu.
I usually skip on sharing or even reading (yep, I grew intolerant) releases cursed with abominable blur-mosaics censorship, but this time it was worth it, I think :)

We owe this share to Alexey, VHRP, Tester and Vilis, from Hennojin, thank you! :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Hatsujou! Namaiki JK (“Horny! Cheeky Highschooler!”, 213 pictures), NTR-Sexersise and Natsu Ni Tabetai Ecchi Na Oniku.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(35 MB, 23 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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6 years ago

I see I’m not the only one who’s attention was caught by this one. I’ve always liked Ojo’s stories for the most part.

6 years ago

I’m actually fine with the blur mosaics as long as it’s not just a digital blob plopped down all over instead, the white-out clouds are what kinda irk me. Too many black bars too is a 95%-of-the-time no-go for me.

6 years ago

Those are some staggeringly huge tits, yet drawn REALLY well. I’ll have to check the porn clip for consistency after it downloads!

6 years ago

Ah, I see what you mean. Both have a rounded face with a pointed chin, both have a lot of smiles before the sex. I thought it was kind of weird that the porn star had a wad of gum at the end. I could just see her thinking later, “My gum tastes salty …”

6 years ago

Got The Job Done … and once in a while, that’s good enough.

6 years ago

Athena Faris kinda reminds me of Ashlynn Brooke, only without a boob job.

As for Ojo (Funny, that means “eye” in Spanish), love his females, the sex (meh), also checked out the link to the Cheeky manga, it’s good.