Soukan No Replica (“Adultery Replica”) Volume 1 [English, 226 pictures], by Mitarai Yuuki
“She came!! Mom, mother came!!” – four pages into the manga, I wondered what the hell I was about to read. Allright: Soukan No Replica is about a male teenager with a final stage mother fetish. His aunt, a professional actress, helps him (and gets free dick) by disguising as his mother, going along his fetish, with the unfortunate result that he starts losing his grip on, well, on common sense in general, shall we say to avoid spoilers.
Let us throw in the mix a female cousin just a few years older than him but resembling his mom, a fair amount of ingredients for plot, and you’ve got something both fucked up in the head, and yet interesting at the same time, it’s not that bad, I think. I’m honestly curious as to see how it will descend into the gutter, there are several possibilities.
Coming from me, about a mother incest manga, “it’s not that bad, I think” is a form of praise already.
Graphically, it’s quite good, with tons of slightly plump MILF body with very little censorship (a minuscule bar here and there, hardly noticeable).
The second and final volume can be found HERE, it gives the story the ending it fully deserved
Thanks to Amoskandy for this release!
By the same artist, I also share Soukan No Replica, volume 1 (you are here!), Soukan No Replica, volume 2 (219 pictures), Jokyoshi Go-nin To Boku 1-ri (195 pictures) and Ikanishite Haha Wa Onna O Kaihou Shitaka + After Story (373 pictures.)
Maybe my praise was sadistic, when I think of it. You know, like when you see something that is definitely going to end badly, and you want, metaphorically, to help yourself to popcorn and watch the shitstorm.
And now, the download & gallery links
Complete pictures galleries:
Volume 1 – Volume 2 (Zips here, remember ^^)
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(134 MB, 224 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
Recompressed version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, ☑ it offers a significant gain, ☑ the images are not in damn too high resolution, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I recompressed the images. (Well, to go into further details, almost all the images were either in 1500px or 1200px res, however there were a handful of 3000 px pictures: those ones, I shrunk them manually to lower-standard 1600 px.)
There should be no loss of quality for the naked eye, only a loss in megabytes.
The zip shrank from 134 MB to 49 MB.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3
The translation of the second volume is already in the pipeline and will be with us sooner than you think.
whos traanslating second volume and is there any hcapter already done for second volume i cant wait to read it
It’s out.
Yep, I share a “repacked” version, clearly separating the two volumes with the missing volume covers, in a pair of minutes ^^
Wonderful! Looks like a live moment captured into a page of paper.
Like watching someone eat a roast with toothpicks.
Sankyuu for this amazing release Oliver-san!