Okashii Onee-chan [English], an adorable non-hentai doujinshi parodying the Kimi No Na Wa (“Your Name”) movie, by Neko Toufu (circle Grinp)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

Huhu ^^

(But there’s & and & for this)
There, better avoid misunderstandings from the get go :D

I thank my friend Mousse for this one, he emailed me about it a while ago, and I’ve only read it today. Okashii Onee-chan is a cute and very funny doujinshi inspired by Kimi No Na Wa (“Your Name”). There are cute feelings, gags, references to sexuality but not a single erotic drawing, lots of occasions to laugh :)
So, yeah, while you won’t find any excuse to fap to this one (please, don’t) (or if you succeed, please don’t tell), I’m very glad to share it on Hentairules as a bonus, for all of you who already watched Kimi No Na Wa :)

Release credits are for Zeroblade, Yuki`N and Flam, from PlanetHima, thank you! I’ll add renewed thanks to Mousse, once again, thank you for the recommendation, man! ^_^


And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(23 MB, 35 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

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Danger Stranger
Danger Stranger
6 years ago

Thanks for the shares Oliver! I felt compelled to post this time around due to author last page comment regarding Gender Bender, since I disagree that “Kimi no Na Wa” could be considered Gender Bender. I believe the community will probably considered this as Nuances from my part, but either way I will partake my thoughts regarding the Theme. I would consider it to be body swamp rather than gender bender, why is that? My reasoning is that gender bender consist of the transformation of the same body into a different gender, which the transformed body belongs to the original person in that regard. While body swamp changes your “essence/soul” with another body, which implies in a new routines and environment adaptation, since there is the need to keep things normal for the original owner of the body. Allow me to apologise for my rants I just wanted to put out my thoughts about this theme, since gender bender is a theme I usually can´t deal with in hentai context (for many reasons aside from the body transformation).

Danger Stranger
Danger Stranger
6 years ago

I could not agree more, that we are probably splitting hair in this matter and each individual POV that counts in the end. Thanks for sharing your view on this topic.

If I had to choose, I am probably considering the process, rather than the result, but the process in which the original gender starts behaving as the opposite gender, which is when I consider it gender bender. In case the original gender preserves its behaviour in the opposite gender in my view it is not bending.

An example is “Ranma ½”, normally, when he turns into a girl and fights he’s Ego is the same, hence I don’t consider it bending. However, when he acts as a girl, trampling over his pride and adapting its Ego, that is when I consider him gender bending.

According to my point of view, rather than the physical transformation I would consider it gender bend, once the mind set as the current gender.

Sorry if it probably sounded confusing and biased, I tried to keep it short, since I agree that, it will always end at each personal view of the matter. I just wish to answer your question about the process or the result, and thank your comment, since it gave me even more food for thought over this topic.

6 years ago

This too, is musubi…

6 years ago
Reply to  Mousse9

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6 years ago

It’s all good. I discovered TONS of good hentai through your website. It’s a small way for me to give something back.