Aoki-san Ha Hoshigari (“Aoki’s Desires”) [English], by Yuzuha
“Simple people are frightening!” – the male MC.
It’s an original scenario development, in this one. A plain and earnest-looking female student, class rep and all, is also earnest with her perversions. She fully acknowledges her light masochistic side and chooses a classmate to treat her roughly, fulfilling her kink for outdoors sex and domination. It’s perfect, they’re a match, a successful lust story begins ^_^
Now, I don’t want to make you false promises, the girl had an adorable side, and braids are always sexy, however I felt the art was rather sub-par, here, and the huge black bar censorship left a lot for imagination regrettably.
I took the liberty to slightly upscale & retouch the images; in their 1500 px res the girl’s features were just too small to be enjoyable (or you gotta love squinting). I only added 200 px, more than that and I was unable to retouch away the negative side effects from upscaling.
Still, I’m glad I read it, hopefully you guys will like it too?
I’m not sure who I ought to credit for this release, would someone know, please?
By the same artist, to this day, I also share Lunch Time No Kouhai, Mash To Futari De, Kawaranai Omoi, Gohoubi ♥ Sensation, XX Complex, a pack of 2 works (Icha Love Daisakusen + Mitame To Chigau No), Ganbare! Oda-san and After The Rain.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(17 MB, 19 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2
A certain disclaimer inserted on Page 1 absolutely cracked me up. Yet, even though the artwork might have been less than it could have been, it was cute enough to get the job done.
laughed my ass off at the other classmate’s face in the last pannel XD On the other hand male MC better saddle in cause he’s in for quite the bumpy ride XD
If you can’t laugh after seeing pages 4 and 18 you’re made of stone.