Dolls + Extra [English, 255 pictures, Complete], by Fan No Hitori

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 17 comments

Sigh, what a heap of horseshit

Fair precision, this isn’t an actual tank, with tank scans, but a compilation of separately released short arcs, from various scanning sources, some of them I suspect being actual tank scans, to which were added the purely tank materials such as the cover.

Next, a fair warning. Fan No Hitori’s style is to treat women like cattle, made to be broken, not just dominated but utterly crushed, to be betrayed, and used with cruelty and contempt. I personally view it as a huge pile of despicable stinking shit, but I can respect your tastes in porn may differ, etcetera.

In the Dolls universe, law is that women can be stripped of their human rights and become official braindead cump dumps for public use; a variety of girls will try to resist or oppose the system but will end up broken and join too, once again: etcetera. Sigh. It’s almost a pity this is drawn with great skill, intense, hardcore and varied enough to not look boring. The censorship goes from almost invisible to full lightsaber mode, it will depend.

Sorry for the long rant, either you were gonna love it anyway or you already got the point, so my wall of text must have been useless, as of usual :lol:
Release credits are for Tigoris Translates, Optitron, Desudesu and Sailor1980, Hentaicore and Philoer, thanks for the fans! :jap:

–Update: a different version exists, in which the worst of the worst has been edited away.

By the same artist, I also share Dolls + Extra, in two versions: Dolls + Extra: Edited For Content version (239 pictures) and the present share, the complete version of Dolls, Dropout (192 pictures) and Parasite Queen, in two versions: Parasite Queen: Edited For Content version, and Parasite Queen: complete tank version (193 pictures).

Hentai collectors, two of my past shares now belong in this manga and have thus become obsolete in their standalone form:
– Dolls – Anzai Rina Hen
– Dolls – Miyashiro Hana Hen

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(302 MB, 255 pictures, English)

The occasional rant about excessive file sizes: I downloaded it myself as a HUGE 872 MB archive. I thought “no, seriously, being this huge for this number and dimension of pics isn’t worth it”, so I recompressed the images before sharing. In case you needed a confirmation: it’s not the original I share here, but my recompressed version. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 302 MB for you :=)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to lower-standard 1600 px resolution. Originally, the images were in various dimensions: 3000 px, 2500 px and 2224 px.
The zip shrank from 302 MB to 130 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3

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6 years ago

The art reminds me a little of the circle/artist SINK…. same taste in stories too….

6 years ago

When you said there was an extra I was hoping there would be some kind of revenge/karma thing. Like the app is hacked and the “dolls” go berserk Stepford Wives style…..

6 years ago

Nice art, shit story.

6 years ago
Reply to  loplop

Fan no hitori in a nutshell…

6 years ago

*sigh* well, time to warm up the silos and prep the ICBMs…seems we need to go for strike three
-US president in this manga’s world

6 years ago

Jeez, I finally figured this series out. It’s the ultimate rage hentai … anger directed at the corrupt government! I kept thinking, “Wow, this is so much worse than normal mind control porn, I’m really angry at the direction this story is going!” Then I finally realized *that* is the whole point, to upset the readers. The milf story just completely sealed the deal, fully driving the metaphorical knife into the reader’s gut. What a glorious bastard Fan no Hitori is!

I’ve got to tell you, though, those boxes that the girls are placed in really were hilarious. That is so Japan, to package sex slaves like giant figurines with absurd labeling, putting the girl’s name on the box like it’s the latest trendy toy doll. The included accessories in the front matter was pretty clever, too.

Then the author makes that shitty, too. Marking the milfs as damaged goods just to add insult to slavery. Pure evil. And having the housewife see that she was sold from the bargain bin … wow. How could you possibly make anyone feel worse than that? But then the author tops it anyways. Magnificently horrible!

General Hentai
General Hentai
6 years ago
Reply to  Pavlov

Nope, don’t buy that for a second. The government didn’t make {almost) every guy in this series an asshole in severe need of castration via chainsaw. Yet another in the endless chain of exhibits as to a) Why Japanese men are constantly rated the world’s worst lovers, and b) Why Japan has a negative population growth.

5 years ago
Reply to  General Hentai

Dude, just what do you think the government is? The big buildings where you go to do paperwork? The address that you send your tax money to? The places where politicians meet?

Naw, a government is the people running things! It’s people going off to work daily, earning a paycheck, while doing just enough to not get yelled at. It’s people screwing over other people, not because they want to, but because they’re following a rule book that’s telling them what to do. The people in this story are fucking women over because 1) that’s their job, 2) if they don’t, they’ll get in trouble, and 3) because there’s nothing that says they can’t.

I’ve worked for the government and there’s no huge monstrously evil being like Satan at the heart of things, it’s just lots of people doing little evils that accumulate because THAT’S THEIR JOB. Government is just a way for the little horrid parts in everyone’s soul to come together and become something far worse than the sum of its parts. Sure, they can do great good as well, but it’s a lot more fun to bitch than to praise!

6 years ago

the sad thing is this could have been decent (much like what loplop said, shit story but good art) maybe a chapter of a girl “wanting” to be a doll would have worked and maybe a story having a good ending as well, (the first part of the housewife comes to mind with her somewhat getting a good ending… until the 2nd part to it ugh) or hell maybe even a chapter of a girl “deserving” the treatment (like a death row inmate bitchy woman being used as a doll instead) if FnH could make a good hentai story to match the art, it would shock me tbh

6 years ago

Reminded me of A Handmaident’s Tale.

6 years ago
Reply to  oldbrokenhands

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6 years ago

The abuse wonn and her “owner” began fucking while her husbands corpse was still on the floor

6 years ago

The only guy who wasn’t an asshole douchebag was the boss of the gal who worked for that evil government organisation. Who accidetally gave her a glimpse for the truth about how the women are selected for the Dolls. We know he ended on a rape-date with Truck-kun.

The Japan of that hentai? I have little doubts that outside of their own country the men are shot like rabid dogs by concerned relatives of the women they look at. And women who escape from this rape-dungeon land, deny being Japanese at all. When they aren’t dumb cumdumps that is.

But I agree that the story of the housewife was the worst. Do you know why? Because for the dude who’s sex-doll she was it didn’t matter in the end, he had sex. His declarations of love were just bed-talk. Truly disgusting.

Also, I wonder if said Japan is even more dystopian than we saw. Maybe it’s the local reality’s equivalent of memetic North Korea?

6 years ago

This artist falls under a category I use for myself, I call “Goro Horikawa Syndrome”. An artist who draws great, and I would love his stuff, except I can’t stand his subject matter.

6 years ago

Another great work!! Thanks!!!