Asobizakari [English], by Meme50
Dayum. DAYUM!!!
This share is absolutely full of awesomesauce
The story in itself is simple, a college girl visits the flat of her only male friend, she tempts him hard and they finally have sex, then there’s the “hentai magic” and it feels so good (she was no virgin, though) that her brain gets deep friend (sort of), and the rest of the manga is uninterrupted coitus, leaving the girl looking normal, but now a wonderful open slut.
In case my description might have left room for interpretation, there was nothing “evil” here, it was more like finding more about oneself, you know?
Graphically, exceptionally the girl’s splendid boobs weren’t her #1 selling point, first and foremost there would be her super cute face, flushed, aroused, her smiles occasionally reminding me of ShindoL’s own idiosyncrasies, her long hair flowing free, and with her thick glasses… UHHNGGNGYEH!!!
(Site note, I retouched a tiny bit the images, adjusting gray levels. Enjoy it while it lasts.)
Thanks to Karatranslations for this one!
By the same artist, I only share Hitozuma Haramu.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(12 MB, 19 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Oliver, you forgot to include links of all your past Meme50 shares. Or maybe you should just make a Redirection page that lists them all, since there’s so many of them anyway.
My guess: that’s because the zip will be taken down very quickly, and it’s best not to give additional incentive in case some meme50 works survived the purge.
Purge? What Purge?
EDIT: … Aww, dammit. Wani DMCA?! FUCKING BASTARDS!
An awesome share. On a side note I do believe this is the first time I’ve seen an X-ray of brain in a hentai(pg 7 lower left panel)
Far from scientifically accurate, perhaps, at that moment when his penis says hello to her cervix, and corresponding sensations are picked up by the brain (page 7):

Fakku already had this uncensored since October or something.
Still waiting for link to mastrpiece from the same artist
Nerds and their lightsabers…
A good “buddy” is hard to find.
jeez that was some hot action! Tough i hope poor Asada didnt make too many assumptions on where their relationship stands, and also that he’s gonna hear her moan, but from the other side of the wall this time XD
Well, i guess this time the girl didnt end up the dorm’s communal dump
Ending ruined.