Redirection page: the works by Nanase Mizuho on HentaiRules
Here is the page where I’m listing every work by Nanase Mizuho (circle Inu to Kotatsu) that I share on Hentairules
I can’t pin a generic description on Nanase Mizuho’s style. Sure, hot girls with gentle faces, but we’re either in very dark or very vanilla territories, it varies a lot. At least, there’s lots of graphical talent to enjoy!
I’m listing first the covers (mandatory warning: some covers might be missing from here, image links die sometimes), and, once you scroll down, the complete list.
Succu Life [English, 171 pictures]
Aneman [English, 194 pictures]
Princess Force [English, 168 pictures]
ILIAS – Kyouen No Utage [English, 166 pictures]
Shinshi To Ore [English]
(This came packed with the chapter 1 of Oyomesan Wa Maou, now obsolete since a larger and complete version has been shared later on.)
Oyomesan Wa Maou (“My Bride is The Demon Lord”) chapters 1-7 [English, 125 pictures]
Teitoku No Oyomesan 2 [English]
Older Sister Little Brother Older Sister chapters 1-2 [English, Uncensored]
Kikuushi No Seikatsu 4 [English]
Kikuushi No Seikatsu 1-2-3 [English]
Dappou Hihiirokane (“Law Circumvention: Gold Brick”) [English]