Boku To Kanojo No Shujuu Kankei (“Me And Her Master-Servant Relationship”) [English, 227 pictures], by Kojima Saya

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 8 comments



Graphically, we’re nearly at the masterpiece level in my eyes, there’s close to zero censorship, the vaginal, anal and double penetrations are many and very detailed, drawn with exceptional energy, a compliment I could also say of the girls’ bodies, drawn with tons of talent!! :kickass:
The story is on the cliché side, for no particular reasons girls gather around a man they choose as their “master” to have kinky times together, because why not after all ^^ Simple, efficient, enthusiastic, original, and the other smaller arcs are for some of them enriched love, almost vanilla material :)

You know what, it’s the best tankoubon I’ve seen in a very, very long time, so I hope you guys too will love it ^_^
Like my other recent tank shares, it’s been released by Dynellen and Doujin-Moe, may the hentai gods smile upon them ;)

And for more, don’t miss The list of Kojima Saya’s works on Hentairules!

Hentai collectors, one of my shares, “Denpa Gaaru Futago (“Electric Brain Waves Twin Girls”)“, has become obsolete, as it is now part of the present tank, just FYI :)

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(137 MB, 227 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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6 years ago

Hmm…reminded me of a song by Egyptian Lover.

Group sex and S&M aren’t really my bag, but some decent sex.


6 years ago

Lots of people confuse S&M with B&D because they’re both fetishes and they both have letters. Kind of like mailmen. They have letters, they’re kind of sadistic, and they’re confused, too.

You just pictured a mailman in leather, didn’t you.

6 years ago

I’ll bet you’re thinking of exactly the same story that I am. One of Nagare Ippon’s surprisingly vanilla stories, “Master-Servant? Relationship”. Girl keeps beating up her boyfriend when she’s embarrassed during sex so by mutual agreement, he ties her up. And she discovers she loves it, giving us the memorable line, “Whatever, just be quiet and break me into your private slut!! This is an order!!”

Hosted by you, from Boku No Shiranai Kanojo No Kao page 109 here:

6 years ago
Reply to  Pavlov

What the slobbering dog guy said ^.

Although, to elaborate, uncomfortable leather, ropes, and stuffing a girl like a Christmas goose are not my bag.

It’s fine for the rodeo, but not for the bedroom.

Which reminds me, is a saddle S&M or B&D?

6 years ago
Reply to  oldbrokenhands

Does the saddle hurt, physically or mentally? That is, if there’s a prod or something that makes it painful or if it’s humiliating, then it’s Sadism & Masochism. If the saddle doesn’t hurt, it just looks erotic (usually leather or rubber,) that’s Bondage & Domination. It’s also B&D if one party demands that the other party wear it. Basically, S&M=pain&humiliation, B&D=ropes and/or sexy outfits.

6 years ago

Finally fully translated! Thanks a lot Dynellen and Doujin-Moe :twisted: