The decensored version of Koukuu Bokan Houshou Desu, by Takayama Chihiro, has been reedited in a MUCH better digital version :)
Would you remember Koukuu Bokan Houshou Desu, that I shared 4 months ago? Decensored by J.B.Random, upon a commission by Ibuyfineart?
Here’s the good news: a new version, based on much better digital scans, is now available. Once again thanks to JBR and Ibuyfineart
The differences would be brand new typesetting, and a much better image quality: no more blurry lines, perfect surfaces no more damaged by the artefacts stemming from paper printing printing. It’s still in high res, only now it looks even better, basically
Look, a comparison, you’d better click the images to view them in full-size (not resized to fit to screen) in your web browser:
the previous version VS the new version
(On those, look at the blush lines, or the woman’s hair, notice the blurry lines are now sharp…)
The new version of Koukuu Bokan Houshou Desu is available HERE
Once again, thanks a LOT to Ibuyfineart and J.B. Random! ^_^