JK Enko ~ Kurosawa Mia No Baai (“JK-Enko, The Case Of Kurosawa Mia”) [English], by Tamagoro
I wonder if many of the hentai fans are opposed to prostitution? I don’t want to bring politics in my blog if I can avoid it (I keep that privilege for twitter trolling), but, well, maybe it is possible to enjoy all those hentai mangas about highschool girls selling their bodies and still oppose the real world more shady practice, in which a proportion of the girls aren’t doing it of their actual free will and don’t keep the profit…
Personally, I’m all for it, some women won’t find a good job, and some men are just too fugly to hope to have a normal sexual life, while some other men want the juicyest girls and have too much money anyway.
You could even say professional life is full of shitty jobs in which we sell our health for crap money and end up wrecks before retirement age, isn’t it already selling away our bodies and self-esteem cheap every day? At least, let the cute girls and boys earn huge dough if they can with their body.
So, eh, it’s like grease in an engine, society works a little better in my eyes when prostitution isn’t fought.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I couldn’t resist and wrote a wall of text. Again.
I’m sorry ¬_¬
Oh, this share? A cute highschool girl proudly sells her body to rich customers, she hooks a prostitution virgin (first time paying for sex) and gives him the best sex of his life, they meet again on other times, and no-condom ending. Revolting blur mosaics censorship, but godly art, it’s still worth it for me ^^;;
Thanks to Constipat8 and Selcouth!
For more, I recommend you check The list of Tamagoro’s works on Hentairules!
An afterthought: I wouldn’t call you an hypocrite if you enjoyed prostitution hentai and shunned real world prostitution.
After all, I don’t expect the lolicon hentai lovers would ever go after a real world, actual little girl.
So, I may disagree, but I totally get the concept, you can love something as fap material while fully knowing it musn’t be for real.
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I support consensual prostitution. It exists, I knew girls in uni who did it for money on the side. However, sex slavery is a different and much worse thing,
Like you said, some guys are too fat and ugly and the reality of the world is they will not have relationships. Prostitution can at least let them satisfy their sexual urges.
I’m fine with prostitution, if its legal and consensual. But high school girls? Depending on the grade we could be talking before the age of consent….
If it’s legal, consensual between all parties, and (to piggyback on J.B.’s comment) taking into consideration the “Age Of Consent” for the particular area, region or country, I don’t object to prostitution.
And aside from merely settling sexual urges, dialogue on pages 12 and 13 suggest that “Ojii-san” got rid of much frustration and stress that might otherwise eat away at his health and lifespan. Another time and place, Tamagoro could have constructed this same scenario with “more adult” females, but I won’t harp on that right now.
To be honnest, i think most of the points have allready been covered by my fellow hentai brothers above. I’ll simply add that i also believe that legalized and well-encadred prostitution not only help some people wh o otherwise might work in something they much less enjoy, but having legal obligations make them not only productiove members of society but also help regulate health risks, reduce criminality or sex-related crimes and forced prostitution, and also help makes quality of life better for both the seller and the consumer by removing shady parts of it.
Also, lets be honest, who doesnt like sex…
I’m all for legal prostitution, and I even believe that if it’s legal to compensate someone for surrogacy services then it should be legal to buy just an offspring from whoever you want from (money-back guarantee of course if it’s not a genetic match), but just don’t fuckin’ try to lie to me that “sex work” is somehow an actual job like how being a warehouse worker or Unwanted Materials Removal Specialist is an actual job.
Also, did you see my text in the old thread, One Time Gal Sonogo was translated long ago.
The ladies I was with were cool.
Especially, the Asian lady, really enthusiastic, even wanted to talk a little afterwards.
As I get older I find the world exists in a gray area. The dreamers/idealists with rules and plans, but no realistic enforcement; the schemers/exploiters with $$$ blind spots when it comes to the feelings of others. In the middle, a hot, eager woman who loves sex and doesn’t mind getting paid for it.
Having sex is not for fun or not to satisfy somebody’s urge.
The original and most essential function of sex is maintaining the existence of the species.
Which means, parties engage in sexual activities have a heavy responsibility of taking care its result, that is the family.
Even wild animals do not have sex for fun. In the wild, animals take part in a harsh competition to select the ones with best traits… only these champions have the privileges of having sex, to guarantee the highest suitability of the species and the future of the offspring.
In human society, of course such crude and savage selection is not acceptable… but people create mechanisms to make sure sexual activities is the epitome of responsibility, responsibility towards the sex partner, towards the children, towards the family, towards the society… and towards oneself.
That’s why civilized society do not allow arbitrary sex, civilized society promote fidelity and despise NTR, civilized society despise cheating, civilized society demand that sex must be with love… and civilized society despise prostitution.
Liberation of sex does not means uncontrolled sex… it means each individual has rights to build her own family without illogical and gross intervention from third parties.
On my opinion, promoting prostitution is a gross violation of human value and human rights.
Bub, plenty of mammalian species have sex for pleasure, even when not ovulating. Dolphins most social primates(ie us) have sex all the time for pleasure. We got lucky on the evolution line and developed pleasure nerves to entice our species to have sex further.
As for infidelity, I agree it isn’t something we should specifically seek out, as it usually does hurt someone, but the reason it occurs so often is because monogamy and long term relationships go against our nature. Prior to civilisation, tribes would not have two couple mating. The non related females would mate with most of the non related males. Paternity wasn’t so much an issue for males, as they protected and provided for the entire child group as a whole. That is how other social primates are now(Chimps, Bonobos). Along the way, the concept of ownership formed as we grew up and that was put on mating as well. However, our instinctual urges are strong. We like to fuck, we like to fight, and we like to eat. Some of the biggest excesses you see today. Even in peaceful countries of the modern world, what is the most popular form of entertainment? It usually involves violence, because we love it. Sexual urges are a major instinctual drive, and that is why infidelity occurs so often, we are quite literally trying to fight our basic instincts.
Without the sex urge and the “pleasure”, no individual would take part in the process of reproduction, because that process is risky, invasive, painful, time consuming, and exhausting.
We become addict to sex because that is a mechanism to guarantee that we do not ignore the heavy responsibility of maintaining our species. All mechanism have pros and cons, the cons is that you have to suppress your urge when the situation does not favor having sex.
About urges, likes and needs… no individual can satisfy all her needs and you have to make concessions, especially when you live in a society and interact with others. Everybody has a sex urge but it is not like you can have sex with your spouse at the public place even in the case both of you want to.
I’ll try to still stay away from the political discussion, but I see here an intellectual fault I would want to adress.
Both parties here, guys, you can’t, no you ought not to resort to “nature” as an argument. Nature has the strong kill the weak if they feel like, nature has the weak die, nature isn’t so neat, it follows its own rules of efficiency, not of morals. Morality != darwinian persistence.
Another way to put it, is to say that culture is the precise act of cutting us off from nature, from here on, as we build a culture, we decide for ourselves what is right and wrong, what is desirable and what is undesirable.
Prostitution is a cultural debate, calling upon Nature’s judgement is an invalid method.
” After all, I don’t expect the lolicon hentai lovers would ever go after a real world, actual little girl.”
Well, color me surprised for seeing YOU say this. I wouldn’t have expected that from the guy who basically treats lolicon as somehow far less palatable compared to shotacon, as if they’re not just gender-swapped versions of the same concept (at least, that’s what I’m getting from your Hentai Glossary).
PS: For the record, the “boys can’t have sex unless they agree to this body and soul” line is nonsense. Erections can and do happen regardless of whether the boy/man wants; that’s why male rape is an actual thing.
It’s such an old discussion I have no desire to start it over. But I still gotta reckon I softened over the years.
I used to dislike not just loli, but loli fans.
Now, I just have to accept that plenty of people have tastes that disgust me and that they could never openly admit around the family table, it’s life. I got better to do than think I own any authority to judge left and right.
That is quite reasonable, which more than I can say for the owners of certain other sites (looking at Reddit as it still reels from its recent “War on All Things That Even Remotely Smell of Lolicon Porn, Even If It’s Not Actually Lolicon Porn”).