Noraneko Shoujo To No Kurashikata (“Living Together With A Stray Cat Girl”) Volumes 1-2 [English, 278 pictures], by Shiina
The title is spot on: the female MC really looks like a stray cat ^^ Petite, fluffy wavy hair, communication difficulties, longing for caresses, tsundere attitude about aspiring to human warmth but pretending not to, plenty of weak spots to poke at… ^^
Boys, girls, aliens, here is an excellent pair of vanilla hentai volumes, with more incoming in the future! In a slice of life form, we follow the lives of a young salaryman who took under his wing a highschool girl abandoned by her family. She’s hell-bent on being independant and autonomous, but of course feelings grow in fertile soil Brace yourselves for mad blushing, for heart-warming feelings of WAFF and untold love not blooming yet, not openly identified as such… I loved it
Graphically, this is good without being exceptional; I’m not a fan of petite girls, the censorship was huge (many black bars) and, personal POV, persistant X-ray shots aren’t my thing. I’d say, though, the girl’s adorable wavy hair and her blushing faces alone are making the manga worth reading!
–Update: the volume 3 is now available!
Treat yourselves to this series, I’m confident you’ll love it, folks
We owe this release to ObsoleteZero, with the help or commissions ofMariSwann, Varcon, Keiki, PaGe422, Sijui, Brad Lee, SarLe, Keiki, Yuriphiel, Kurosakidude, Slashershot, Kritnich, Sijui, and “a bunch of anons”. I’ll mention Obsoletezero started a crowdfunding to have the entire series translated (currently: 2 more volumes and ongoing ), check it out maybe?
And now, the download & gallery links 
Pictures galleries: Volume 1 – Volume 2
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(82 MB, 278 pictures, English)
The occasional rant about excessive file sizes: I downloaded it myself as two HUGE archives, their combined size: 394 MB. I thought “no, seriously, being this huge for this number and dimension of pics isn’t worth it”, so I recompressed the images before sharing. In case you needed a confirmation: it’s not the original I share here, but my recompressed version. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 82 MB for you =)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
I honestly wouldn’t mind chapters without sex, just the two of them fooling around. It’s just too cute.
Somehow, I felt the chapter organization allowed that, that wasn’t always the same order, trivia, then inner monologue, then sex. This led to occasionally extended periods of time without sex, giving more depth to the story… Well, in my eyes ^^
Hi, question, volume 2 page 34 internet cafe Onnellinen, is this a private joke or is there a scandic connection somewhere? The word “onnellinen” is a finnish word, translation “happy”. This is giving some lightMatrix wibes, dude, I am beginning to look for white rabbits and trying to remember which color pill was one supposed to swallow. And quote, I am not crazy, my mother got me tested
No idea of course
That said, you gave me an idea. You know what would be cool? An hentai manga around the Mandela effect. The scenario freedom it would allow, dayum!
That would be cool, could be great even as a manga, but better with hentai twist obviously. Now it is just a dilemma, which mangaka and what method to plant this idea in those seedy little brains (megalomaniac Muahahahaha… on the background). Sorry, got carried away a bit
Well, I probably already blew my cover, I am Finn, thats the reason for curiosity. I have been around hentai issue for years, but not been extremely active on hentai social media. A bit surprisingly, I have seen recently hints and references that I am not the only one from our cold corner, hanging around. Or is it just that japanese are also curious about Finland and are same kind of wacko’s as us, who knows?
Anyway, thanks for a good share, it has actually building blocks for a good story.
Hey Oliver, I just tried to download this from and the download canceled on me half-way through.
I just pulled it off Upload and it worked fine. Might have been a disturbance in the Force, we get those sometimes.
Third neko themed share by Oliver in two days…
Guess we might have to crowdfund and get some genetic engineers to help with his cause.
Yeah, this kinda reminded me of the novel Lolita, except with a much older girl.
A lot rosier than that novel, but still some elements are similar.
Hell of a read so far.
Holy crap, that was cute!!!
remind me of i shaved and i brought a highshool girl home
for anyone who like this theme
Lovely hair♥
Must be a quiet chalenge to draw her hair every time, to keep it beautifully untidy.
Honestly one of the better release in a long time. Theres actually plot, character development and good drawings. Would love fo read the future volumes. Finaly found another artist i like
Well, that should please you to know, the series is still being worked on (source )