Onee-san To Game O Shimasen Ka (“Won’t You Play A Game With Onee-san?”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Fate / Grand Order game, by Konka

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

Look at how she gazes at that dick, with love and longing :3

Please, someone, give me names, for mangas in which a horned girl is taken by the horns and fucked hard doggystyle. It makes me mad, we regularly have horned girls, and yet, it’s like the opportunity is never seized T__T

Ahem. In this Fate / Grand Order doujinshi, Tomoe Gozen and her master live an apparently normal life, like any other Japanese youngsters, and just like any other couple in the hentai universe, they’re going to have tons of sex on the first occasion :) There’s plenty of quality vaginal sex (subjectively speaking, I had the impression I finished reading a 40-pages volume, not a 22 pages one O_o), a bit of anal, only a bit of bar censorship, and hentai icing on the juicy cake, this is vanilla, with love confessed and accepted ^_^

Thanks to Fr0stb1t3_hentai for this release! Even without horns grabbing, I had a great time reading it ^^

By the same artist, I also share a pack of 3 works (Saren No Himitsu Rendezvous + Saren No Love Rose + Saren No Tanoshii Yume), Scathach Nee-chan Ga Kanri Shite Ageyou, Megami Maid No Gohoushi and Setsudo No Nai Onee-chan de Gomen Ne.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(26 MB, 22 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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5 years ago

Call it, handle-barring or bulldogging like the rodeo term.

Sex was hot, but it looked like the artist struggled with how to draw hips on page 9 and 19.


4 years ago

Just happened to stumble across this:

I’ve seen the scenario Oliver described (“a horned girl is taken by the horns and fucked hard doggystyle”) in at least one H-anime … if I recall the title right: “Zoku Koihime”. It’s one of those works that, so far as I know, never got an official Western release, so it’s only available to western viewers censored and fansubbed.

The More You Know.