Rock My World [English], by ShindoL

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 17 comments

Rough loving, but still loving =)

Those of you who last read ShindoL with the manga known as Emergence (in the scanlation scene) or Metamorphosis (on Fakku) are in for a shock: with this new release, ShindoL has had one of his too rare vanilla moments!!! :shock: :woot:

It’s about a girl coming to livehouse rock concerts and letting anyone fuck her once, breaking her own rule and becoming someone’s actual lover, to make it short. That was more than just good alchemy, that was sex at long last sating more than the sheer aspirations of the flesh… For me that was vanilla, a more than welcome surprise ^____^

The art looks great, with a praisable effort made in everybody’s outfits (varied, realistic, detailed, changing, it felt real! O_o), the girl’s cute too (petite, short hair, large enough breasts, dayum!), there’s just the censorship that was a bit strong (those bars were too thick, sob.)
I’m quite confident you should enjoy this read, thanks a LOT to Quasar!! :)

Before I forget: no relation, but don’t miss the secret alternate ending for Emergence/Metamorphosis!

(For MORE works by this artist, Cf. The List of ALL of ShindoL’s Works !)

Mind you, the nasty ingredients haven’t entirely disappeared. As she’s climaxing, the girl once cries:

But, precisely! Even if she secretly harbours negative feelings and knows the vertigo of the contemplation of her inner darkness, here, unlike the heroine in Emergence/Metamorphosis, the girl found the right man for her! He gives her the rough dick she likes, but he’s deep down a good guy, and he cares for her.
And that, fellow hentai lovers, it makes all the difference in the world :)

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(61 MB, 29 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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5 years ago

It’s such a rare occurence to see something completely different from this artist’s modus operandi, that I can’t hep but ask this question when it does occur:
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5 years ago
Reply to  MHM

You think this is a shock, you should have been there when he first started. We thought that after releases like Barrier Free and Single Nabe x Double Nabe, that we had an artist who would be a true vanilla god, but then he went the full rape, mindbreak and NTR route where women were abused and turned into cumdumps devoid of any sort of pride or self worth..

And thus did we all cry “FUCK YOU SHINDOL!!!”

5 years ago
Reply to  Kailuun

To be fair, the end of Double Nabe did have the “shyamalan twist” reveal that the reason she ran away from home was that she had been sexually abused by her biological father… and then she caught him having sex with another woman and got… jealous? Agitated without sound reasoning to say the least.

My point is that its a good 2:1 ratio with most of his work being off putting, and a 2:1 ratio of his vanilla stuff having at least one character involved having a twisted personality trait.

As far as I know “Sarashi Ai + Ero ha Bungaku Sarashi Ai Gaiden” and “The Pink Album” have the majority of Shindol’s vanilla works in them, missing “Double Nabe” and “Fragile and Tough” (true, the amputee stuff was a bit weird for my taste, but you have to admit it was still heavy vanilla). If there is other vanilla stuff I either haven’t read it or just don’t remember it.

5 years ago

Despite the introduction I was still stunned there is no drug or alcohol in the story given the setting.

5 years ago

Son: “How did you and Mom meet?”
Dad: “Well, your mother was a cum dump groupie in a bar and I asked her if we could fuck.”
[long pause]
Son: “Wow, that was a loud jet going over, I couldn’t hear a word you said!”
Dad: “I said I was entranced by her beauty while we were at church so I invited her to a poetry reading.”
Son: “I have the most boring parents on Earth.”

5 years ago

FUCK YOU SHIN…. Oh wait a minute, this is a ShindoL release that doesn’t involve rape, mindbreak and NTR. This is like rarer than rocking horse shit. Enjoy it while you can folks, because I imagine ShindoL will be back to their usual ways before long.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kailuun

And for a brief moment, THIS Happens:
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5 years ago

I recommend some STI testing People who have free sex as concerts are often infected. I say this from personal experience.

5 years ago

What? A vanilla ShindoL manga? I still remember the first ones he published being completely vanilla and then taking a full 180 into full NTR and rape, and this is a good one as well!
*Insert the Titanic “It’s been 84 years” meme*

5 years ago

*sees shindol vanilla, looks out window, nuke goes off in the distance*

-i fucking knew it….

5 years ago
Reply to  B99

No, that was just the after effects of the curry I had yesterday. Same effect, but no nuclear radiation… Just a very unpleasant smell.

So yes, a vanilla ShindoL release… It actually happened.

5 years ago

She always keeps her shoes on.


5 years ago

Quasar, it is all alright, don’t be to hard on yourself, it is all good. :)

5 years ago

Fakku just posted the uncut version, hope this can still stay here.