Akane Wa Tsumare Somerareru Ni (“Akane’s In A Pinch”) + C95 Rakugakichou [English], by Takeda Hiromitsu

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

If you look closely enough, you'll notice there IS a censorship bar ;)

Ah, a new Takeda Hiromitsu release. Which means, as you can already tell, a slim girl with small breasts having vanilla love with a boy who respects her and tries in earnest to understand her.

okay, that was super lousy, that joke, I should sarcasm better than that. The true menu is, of course, domination, humiliation, corruption. Not “mind break” per se, as this is a gradual process and the girl had room for a free agent’s choice, but the end result is the same, a girl proud to be an alpha male’s cum dump.

I’m not trying to deter or encourage you, at this point, it’s all up to your tastes :)
If you loved it, thanks are for N04h and Herzer! :jap:

(Don’t miss The list of my shares by Takeda Hiromitsu!)

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(74 MB, 45 pictures, English)

The occasional rant about excessive file sizes: originally, that was a 355 MB archive, made of images around 6050 px high. You know what, let’s just shrink the images to 3000 px and still call it super high res nobody owns a monitor for yet, and be cool with a .zip now only 74 MB large, OK? :3

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to lower-standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 74 MB to 22 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4

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5 years ago

Oliver, page 2 & 7: she was dosed with an aphrodisiac multiple times. You need tags for drugs, mindbreak, and probably blackmail.

5 years ago

There’s a previous part to this: https://exhentai.org/g/1290210/39fadc3b6a/

5 years ago

BTW, C95 Rakugakichou is actually a separate work, specifically a short SSSS.Gridman doujinshi that in this share is untranslated… despite there being an existing translation.


5 years ago

Looks a lot like an AnT manga.