Mahou No Juujin Foxy Rena (“The Magical Foxy Rena”) volumes 1-13 + 5 Digest + 9.5 [English, 455 pictures, uncensored for the most of it], by Sweet Taste (a circle made of the mangakas: Amakuchi, Nakagami Takashi, and Nagareboshi Purin)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 16 comments

What kind of species is she supposed to belong to?!?

Those 13 volumes (plus 2 extras) went by in a flash while I was reading them, I wouldn’t have thought I’d have binged 455 pages in a row, it’s good shit :shock:

We’re in a mixup between youkai-based Japan, and an Asgard populated by villainous animal gods (lion, lizard, snake, dog, horse, and others I have no clue what they are) plotting to invade Japan. Fortunately, the villain empire is severely understaffed so they only focus on Tokyo and send the villains a few at a time or full solo ^^
Opposing Asgard is Rena, a female fox, Orca, a female orca (sorry), a kitsune, a bat, her succubus mother (what?), plus two villains who kinda switched sides eventually, a wolf and a tiger ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

There’s tons of sex, naturally, tons of comedy, fortunately, and occasionally some plot, surprisingly :D
The drawings are hardcore and original (here’s to hoping you don’t like thin women), it’s mostly non-rape, and more than that, the comedy setups, the loveable cheerful female characters, that made for a seriously excellent manga series. Even if by the look of it the plot isn’t even close to reaching any ending, I believe this is quite worth a read :)

Enjoy! And thanks to TraumaFox, YQII, Super Shanko, G-Birkin, Art, Kumosu, Maipantsu and Llumi! :jap:

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Complete pictures galleries:
Mahou No Juujin Foxy Rena… Vol. 1Vol. 2Vol. 3Vol. 4Vol. 5Vol. 5 DigestVol. 6Vol. 7Vol. 8Vol. 9Vol. 9.5Vol. 10Vol. 11Vol. 12Vol. 13

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(364 MB, 455 pictures, English)

The occasional rant about excessive file sizes: I downloaded it myself as separate zips, but, once aggregated, they made a BEHEMOTH, 1.6 GB on disk. I thought “no, seriously, being this huge for this number and dimension of pics isn’t worth it”, so I allowed myself those two operations… (1) For the images above 3000 px, shrink the images to 3000 px (who the fuck has a 6000 px high monitor on Earth? Who?!?), and (2) for the images below 3000 px, I recompressed them just a bit, not enough that you’d notice a difference with the naked eye, but enough for those pngs to lose all their excess fat.
Long story short, now, instead of 1.6 GB, it’s it’s only 364 MB for you!! :kickass:

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I recompressed the images below 1600 px (the volumes 1-4, basically) and shrunk to 1600 px the images above that vertical resolution (all the other volumes).
The zip shrank from 364 MB to 154 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4

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5 years ago

Well, that’s some commitment this year ^^

5 years ago

Very nice!

5 years ago

Such great foolishness…

5 years ago

Good god Oliver, I just kept scrolling and scrolling and it just never ended. For a second there I thought you figured out how to hide previous posts and make it look like the 4-1 stuff was you could access today.

Eyeshield 21
5 years ago

This has got to be an april fools joke.

5 years ago

you’re killing me Oliver!!!

5 years ago

I can’t tell if these were suppose to be an April Fool’s joke or not.

5 years ago

I swear, why can’t you have normal fetishes?!? Tits the size of small planets, legs so long they could be used as stilts, women with the morals of lobotomized minks? Oh no, YOU’VE got to be different!

5 years ago

Still doesn’t compare to the Justin Bieber Incident, I swear that shade of purple traumatized me.

5 years ago
Reply to  Hezard

The two that’ll haunt me till the end of my days are the years that he made it look like the government shut down his site, and the year that you had to click the confirmation button from hell.
A return of that caliber of April fools jokes makes me shudder.

5 years ago

I liked the giant Fakku download that he accidentally over-seeded so it was a huge download that would just hang, teasing you.

5 years ago
Reply to  Pavlov

You mean the one he screwed up so that it would actually download something instead of just failing, like he originally planned? Yeah, that one sure was “Hilarious.”

I will admit though it did give me a long list of tanks that I needed to find, which led me down a long ass rabbit hole. Its a shame HentaiLeecher shut down, found A LOT of good fakku stuff on there before it went under.

5 years ago

Furries, Furries everywhere…

Though this one has a weird story flow as far as i remember….

5 years ago

What is this? Furries week?

5 years ago

By the way Oliver, I don’t have a twitter, so I have no way to contact you other than comment posts, but I saw your Mosquito post and figured I could give my two cents.

For me personally I always get the shit eaten out of me by those fuckers and flies too, but I’ve actually found that Lavender and Mint scented soap and deodorants deter the little blood sucking fucks fairly decently.

Granted the scented soap I use only lasts about two hours or so before me sweating buckets while I work overpowers the soap scent, but of those two hours it works. I also have to lather up my arms to my shoulders with a thick foam of soap in order to make it scented strong enough to keep them off me with as much as I sweat.

This year I’m going to try lavender oil deodorant instead ans see how well it works to keep them off me. It should make it easier to apply if all I have to do is just spray in on my arms instead of lathering up.

Hope this helps you O.

5 years ago

Still better than Alice no Takarabako works.