Sex Education 1-2-3 [English], by Kidouchi Kon
What. The. Fuck.
This share is the closest I’ve seen to an advertisement for eugenism and the neutering of the unintelligent, in order to improve mankind’s gene pool.
AKA: “you see? This is what happens if we let them breed!”
Look, I’m not gonna lie, I’m sharing something bad, here.
Graphically, it’s average at best (despite very low censorship, made of an R18 logo not hiding the genitals behind it), the image resolution is low (1200 px, seriously, is year 2K still in the future?!?). And story-wise, this is abysmally retarded (a dumb girl has zero clue about how human reproduction works and takes advice from a random scummy stranger while her almost-boyfriend roams the streets in despair of having his girl probably snatched). That’s the kind of facepalm material that makes you fear your neurons are going to commit suicide from reading it.
I’m mostly sharing it as an opportunity to laugh at the expense of whoever thought it was worth drawing and publishing. In itself, it’s bathos humour’s finest at this point, it’s a weird but actual opportunity for a laugh ^^;;
With all due warnings given, hey, enjoy, if that’s to your taste why the fuck not, to each his own, etcetera
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(14 MB, 44 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
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*reads Sex education*
*looks at heresy detector*
-Too much Heresy, no hope, consider suicide
*brain.exe has stopped working*
I got a file-does-not-exist page from deposit file
Yeah, weird, usually DMCAs take much longer, so I suspect it’s the name that triggeres a filter (similarly, with UL, you can’t have “rape” evec in “skyscraper”). I’m trying with a renamed version, here’s to hoping it stays ^^
Coincidence? I don’t think so XD
R-18 logo funny, but not as clever as the censorship kitties.
Putting the first penetration metaphor in color, priceless.
The dynamic between the old sly fox and the young pup battling for a meal, tale as old as man first in the trees.
aparantly Japan has no formal sex education so this plot probably happens more often that we think
Shit, I thought you were talking BS, so I ran a web search, and it turns out I was the one in the wrong.
An example among plenty,
WTF, Japan?!?
Yeah, where is Thanos, when humanity needs him 😕.
“Thanos was right” is probably the funniest way to state the frustrations Ive had with humanity for the last 30+ years of my life. I’m going to start using that phrase in my every day life now, and no one can stop me.
I always vote for Giant Meteor as a write-in candidate
Man, you’re clearly overdoing it. A meteor would destroy a whole lot of wildlife and destroy the ecosystem’s balance, which would pointlessly harm the innocent.
Go for a viral infection with a long latency, a very high contagion rate, and a final 100% lethality rate. Wipes mankind clean, and only mankind.
I also remember a catastrophic book I read in the past, it was imagining a virus attacking… crops. At first, designed to only target precise crops (plants used for drugs), but unfortunately, I don’t remember if it was a mutation or bad design, mankind realized too late the virus was targetting the entire poaceae (think: grainy plants, such as cereals, the graminae) family tree, and within a span of three years it reduced mankind to starvation and caused the entire civilization to crumble. Brrr, that book gave me shudders.
Yeah, but “Viral infection with a long latency, a very high contagion rate, and a final 100% lethality rate” just doesn’t have that “pop” that Giant Meteor does.
Giant Meteor is the kind of leader that you’d go drink a beer with (I wish to god that wasn’t something that was considered when choosing a president in my country, but two full terms of bush proved the futility there). Giant Meteor would go to a ball game or see a movie (preferably something with lots of explosions).
Giant Meteor is a mans man, a hero, the kind of ruler that doesn’t take no shit, and leaves nothing to fuck with it in it’s wake.
A vote against Giant Meteor is a vote against Freedom and Justice.
VOTE Giant Meteor, 2019, “Because fuck everybody equally.”
Oh, so you like to read???? Then, by all means, read The Last Policeman if you haven’t yet!!
Feel free to borrow it, it’s not mine to begin with anyway
This is so sad.
Can’t even get a boner. I wanna cry.