Caramel Hame-Art [English], by Tamagoro

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 4 comments

Biggus dickus

NecroManCr delivers TONS of quality vanilla, lately, this is awesome, thank you ^_^

For a change from Tamagoro’s usually slutty gyarus, here is a different release, in which an apparently proper teenage girl finally confesses to the slightly older guy she loves, and we’re treated to a few scenes of them having sex.
There’s only minimal censorship (by 2019 standards :lol: ), this is totally worth reading :twisted:
Of course, the mangaka being Tamagoro, looking prim and proper doesn’t mean the girl can’t be very sexual in private, when nobody but her lover is watching she’s as much in heat as any other Tamagoro girl – and it was fine like that =)

For more, I recommend you check The list of Tamagoro’s works on Hentairules!

Erm, I just realized. A precision, for those who don’t bother reading every speech bubble: she is NOT his sister, okay? ;)
Sorry to disappoint!

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(28 MB, 18 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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5 years ago

A work by Tamagoro featuring a “happily married with child” future ending ….. “WHAT SORCERY IS THIS?”

BUT IT WORKS! And just before the future time-skip, the “sluttiness” one might expect to find in a female character from Tamagoro’s work gradually began to emerge, but it doesn’t take away from the feeling of Vanilla.
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5 years ago

Sweet and simple.


5 years ago

Tamagoro’s done loving sex before (usually implied, sometimes stated outright), but this is the first time he’s featured a couple who loved each other BEFORE they had sex. Combining Tamagoro’s excellent art, a sweet scenario, and the implied message that it’s totally ok for “good girls” to like sex was really refreshing. Great share, Oliver and NecroManCr.

5 years ago

Damn, I quite like the look of this girl! I think I’m going to have a look at the artist’s other works!

Oh, and Oliver, in this situation you might try using the word ‘detail’ instead of ‘precision’. They mean roughly the same thing but it’s kind of awkward when used like this. Just advice meant in the least offensive way possible.