Aisei Tenshi Love Mary ~ Akusei Jutai (“The Archangel of Love, Love Mary ~ Malignant Corruption”) [English, Uncensored, 209 pictures], by Satou Kuuki
There are plenty of good things about this manga. The girls are naked, there is no censorship, and… and… an, fuck it, that was garbage. But decensored garbage, sooooo~~~ ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
In terms of story, that was lazy writing, boring as fuck, magical girls corrupted by darkness, betraying & corrupted one another like in a game of dominos, and graphically, that was also boring as hell, tentacles, mindbreak, hardly a variation at all. In my eyes, etc.
But as I have to mention so often because on the internet everything is a triggering offence and the obvious has stopped being so: if YOU like it, hey, I’m glad you’ll have a good time with it
Thanks to Dark Knight for the release!
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(182 MB, 209 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Recompressed version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, ☑ it offers a significant gain, ☑ the images are not in damn too high resolution, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I recompressed the images.
There should be no loss of quality for the naked eye, only a loss in megabytes.
The zip shrank from 182 MB to 75 MB.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
I read the first half of Oliver’s description then proceeded to skim through the pic gallery.
All the while wondering what Oliver was smoking or if this was another April prank.
I apologize, I should have read the entire post description, I wasted a lot of eyeball calories reading really bad tentacle hentai.
There was even a Trump demon in this, he had a bad comb-over on his horns, kinda funny.
wtf, a Trump demon? The world already has a Trump clown, it doesn’t need a Trump demon.