Saiminten Kyou Wa Dono Ko Wo Daraku Shite Moteasobu [English], by Charveltiger
I reckon it’s perfectly OK to fantasize about using hypnosis, thanks to a phone app, to turn girl into your playthings. It’s a fap fantasy, so, why not, after all anything goes in the fantasy realm, usually the weirder the better.
However… look, is it just me, or are ALL “hypnosis app” mangas terribly bland, boring and unoriginal? It’s like low-grade MacHentai, it does the job, but it’s so plain
Here, bah, it’s the usual unhappy teenager, this time using a hypnosis phone app to turn the girl he liked and her two bullying female friends into his private harem. No consideration for the girls, even the one he liked, no second thoughts, nothing, let’s not waste time fretting over details for nothing.
It’s been released by a guy nicknamed Dfomaster, thanks for the effort!
By the same artist, I also share Kurojouten Kuro Gal JK To Dousei Shite Mita Kekka
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(16 MB, 24 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
And (again, IMHO) when ONE facepalm is not enough, go for TWO:
Order McHentai from your phone, there’s and app for that.
Anti-cockblock, there’s an app for that too.
Personally, I’m quite impressed with the bandwidth on this dude’s phone! One quick flash and not only is she completely under control but has been programmed to be a slave, give her three sizes and cup size, as well as a quick summary of her sexual experience. If someone used that on me, I’d have to take the phone from them and study it closely.
“Hang on, I missed it the first time, I’m waiting for it to come around again … OH, I’m your SLAVE! I thought it said ‘slab’ and that made NO sense at all! Ha ha! Okay, hang on, there’s some crap here about what I’m suppose to do … shit, I hit a button on the screen and it jumped to the home page. Also, your battery is about dead after projecting that much info. And I got programmed to send all my money to Russia since you installed the freeware version, thank you so very much, now I’m going to get fucked literally AND figuratively.”
Imagine the girl suddenly going rigid and spouting a cookie treatment GDPR compliance explanation to which you must agree before the hypnosis is completed.