Pack of 2 [English] works by Nanae (circle Erotomania)

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 2 comments

What a lovely slut

I’ve gathered together two works by Nanae that I had yet to share, a recent one, and another one lying in wait among my unsorted downloads. Their titles are:
Ecchi Na Gal JK Ga Kyokon Zetsurin Oji-san To Pakoru Yatsu
Ecchi Na Gal JK O Seito Shidou Shitai Yatsu

Both of these volumes feature a highschool girl wearing scandalously provocative sexy outfits, with signs of actual dedication to standing out, such as the elaborate ear piercings and earrings.
She’s self-confident, has no shame engaging in compensated dating, abd she’s also doing it for the actual joy of sex, as her partners know and love it. It’s clearly not vanilla, but it’s still a tiny bit more than just your typical whore enjoying dick.

The drawings are pretty good, a bit “generic” maybe but satisfactory already, for MacHentai it’s the good stuff, let’s say ^^
Thanks to Nisor, Olly and CrowKarasu for the releases! :jap:

By the same artist, with the same girl, I also share Ecchi Na Gal JK To Yacchau Yatsu.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Complete pictures galleries:
Ecchi Na Gal JK Ga Kyokon Zetsurin Oji-san To Pakoru Yatsu, and
Ecchi Na Gal JK O Seito Shidou Shitai Yatsu

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(30 MB, 45 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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5 years ago

Let’s See:

“Ecchi Na Gal JK Ga Kyokon Zetsurin Oji-san To Pakoru Yatsu” – IMHO, could have been better (got nothing against hinting that even a gyaru could one day become a great wife, but enough with all that impregnation-related dialogue).

“Ecchi Na Gal JK O Seito Shidou Shitai Yatsu” – ‘Sensei’ initially supposed he had the upper-hand … only to have his illusion blown away (figuratively and literally). And In The End, he seems to have been added to Misaki’s “reverse harem”.

In The End:
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5 years ago

She’s forming a nice stable of studs.