Oshioki (“Punishment”) [English], by Morishima Kon
As the good old quote says, “This is… punishment?!?”
In the hentai world, apparently so. A bratty shota boy upsets girls by flipping their skirts to no end, until an older highschool-age girl, half annoyed half amused, fucks him into being a respectable person again. Or something.
My distaste for shota remains unchallenged (and what a regrettable waste of talent, think the mangaka’s still could have been used on anything other than that!), but at least I must praise everything else, the girl’s naughty smiles, understanding but demanding attitude, and the wonderful way she was drawn all along… If you can disregard the male MC’s sad state, the rest is excellent.
See for yourselves, and thanks to Verihyypp!
By the same artist, I also share Jostle X Train, Hankouki Nuki No Susume (“The Way To Treat Rebellion”), Seiteki Education, Naisho No Gohoushi, Ofuro Trouble, and Hot, Meaty Body plus its sequel Shudouken Wa Docchi (“Who’s In Control ?”).
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(35 MB, 24 pictures, English)
The occasional rant about excessive file sizes: I downloaded it as a 82 MB archive, but a simple recompression (not changing anything to the naked eye) brought it to a more reasonable 35 MB, which is much better in my eyes
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Damn it. She looks so good. But… shota. Ah well.
Once again I had a Wild Kingdom flashback:
Here we see the Virgin Killer in her natural habitat.
Watch as she stalks her prey from afar.
Here comes a young, plucky morsel into the field.
Watch as she takes him down with her claws and powerful jaws.
He never stood a chance.
Uh, unless those are metaphors for something else, I suspect it wasn’t actually “claws” and “jaws” that took out our male protagonist.

Would have been even better if it wasn’t a “shota” as the male protagonist, but the underlying message is the same:
Shit, what kind of BS is that, when you behave like shitty brat, then at most you could get is a few time of father belt on the ass, and not sex with big titty onee-san, that just not faie 👿.
I think there was a brazzers like this once
Title needed for … er, “research purposes”. 😏
I like that internet meme, “for academic purposes”