Ashita Wa Yasumi Dashi (“We’ve Got Tomorrow Off After All”) [English], by SGK

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

I could have picked a hardcore photo, but... ah, I don't even know why, THIS is the pic that charmed me the most =)

Awww =) That was an adorable vanilla hentai share, about two adult office workers, too shy and kinda too stuck up too, to easily confess to each other their feelings. Sure they finally did in the end, sure they finally had sex, sure that was touching, but they were SO akward, huhu! ^^
The drawings also struck me, usually this kind of dark, strongly contrasted style, isn’t used for vanilla, this gave more “punch” to the action, which wasn’t a bad thing at all! :shock:

Thanks a lot to NecroManCr, that guy made our day so many times already, I wish him plenty of good things in his (or her?) life ^_^

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(18 MB, 24 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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5 years ago

Speculating here, but the “realisim” in this story – the fumbling, the awkwardness – probably appeals more to most of us that (as Oliver has described it at least once) a pair of teenagers who demonstrate pro pron actor skills the first time they have sex with each other. And probably this will stay in one’s memory longer than many many “one-hit wonders”.


5 years ago

The awkward mating dance of the homo sapiens.

The woman steps on the man’s foot, then the man steps on hers; this is followed by both parties trying to insert feet into open mouths.

5 years ago

It’s always the choice we have to make in relationships, to put forth our ‘cool’ selves and keep our self-respect, or to take a chance and put forth our ‘real’ selves and maybe connect with another human being. I think the author was working on their story-telling skills in this work.

But the author was also working on their artistic skills. I kept switching between admiring the story and admiring the shading and shadows. Flip through this work again and look at what the author is doing with patches of light and dark. Every single page has some kind of interesting details of shadows! I kept getting caught in the plot, then suddenly I’d notice the shadows crossing her belly, making her look so soft and sensuous! Or patches of light and dark as they walked through the dark city.

The background sounds were kind of fun, too. I have the feeling that this author was trying to tell this story with multiple layers of sight, sound, emotions, and intellectual change. Can’t wait to read another story by this author!