Majutsu Junkou Scathach Anal Seikou [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Fate / Grand Order game, by Kojima Saya
I suddenly wonder, how do you pronounce that girl’s name, Scathach? Something like “skwazatch”? Or “scavar” maybe?
There’s no actual scenario in this Fate Grand Order doujinshi, it’s simply about Scathach having pretty good anal sex with her master. Because, quotation: “Unlike the other servants, I can only receive mana transfer through my asshole.” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The strongly contrasted, heavy on darks, nicely crude, intense drawing style packed a lot of punch, I think it somehow lessened the annoyance brought by the censorship, somehow, and made it less noticeable, it was good to the eye
Thanks to Desudesu and Anon for this release!
Oh… Now that I think of it, please guys, if I may ask… Is it an idiosyncrasy of the hentai doujinshi, or is it an actual thing in the Fate universe, that sex is the way mana transfers are made from master to servant?
And for more, don’t miss The list of Kojima Saya’s works on Hentairules!
And now, the download & gallery links 
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Scathach is pronounced sˠkaːhax, sort of like skah – ha with glottal stops in the middle and at the end.
I’ll have to google for phonetics for that ^^;;
I’ve heard it pronounced like sca-hock as in hockey
It’s actually a thing in lore. In the Heavens Feel route of the original visual novel it’s explained. It’s not the only way, but it’s a quick and easy way.
Well, colour me surprised. Ditto on that, thanks O_o
Perhaps another time, place and author:
Scathach: “Unlike the other servants, I can only receive mana transfer through my asshole.”
Scathach: “SHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!”
*brief pause*
Master (whispering): “Your Asshole?”
Scathach: “RIIIIIIGHT!”

Interesting concept, spastic sex.
A mana suppository, that’s new.
All body fluids of a magus contain mana in the Fate lore, semen just happens to be the most effective one. So yes, “Mana transfer” generally means having sex, even though in some cases blood can be used to.
Aaaand you’re the second confirmation. It still looks weird to me, that’s so straight of a pure hentai manga and not something composite or not hentai at all O_o
Oh well, I can deal with it, thank you Helix too
I know it sounds straight from a hentai but if you do some research about magic and other occult rituals you’d fin that blood, semen and a girl’s virginity are very often mentionned and used.
In the original VN it was a convenient way to both initiate a sex scene and help the protagonists in a dire situation.