Netoraserare volume 3 [English, 206 pictures], the series is OVER, by Shikishiro Konomi

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 9 comments

Good riddance, woohoo

When I shared the volume 2 of Netoraserare, 4 years ago, I wondered if the series was complete. I was wrong, there was one last volume. Either its release slipped under my radar or I forgot about it (no clue anymore), that was 2 years ago, sorry for the delay in sharing it.
But now, at least, this is official, this is the final volume, it’s over.

I DETESTED from my innermost core the previous volumes of Netoraserare. I had absolute contempt for the husband who can only get hard when his wife is cheating on him and his heart is torn apart, I wanted to erase with a flamethrower the disgusting faces he constantly makes, and as for his wife, I went from pity, to contempt, to equal disgust, she too is a gross human being with a corrupted, twisted, vile soul, a fitting partner in the husband’s rotten game.

The volume 3 deepens my hatred for those two characters, but at least it succeeds in bringing the netorare series to a close. Probably not the conclusion I’d have chosen (there were neither chainsaws nor psychotic cannibals), but a good enough conclusion matching the evolution of the personalities of the husband and wife. Their couple was never a stable entity, it was always in a state of evolution, however in the end, after all this turmoil, they finally reached a steady, harmonious state.
It’s another source of irritation for me, that I can’t pin the series as an actual complete shit, I must be honest and recognize there’s a real, valid and worthy, psychological dimension to the manga.

Graphically, this is good enough, the drawings (except for the husband’s face) are quite nice with an artful feeling. Maximum censorship though.
Credits are for Icebarrier18 from SeinenXScans, GGXRE AKA DutchRabbit, RabbitScans, Sands, Danman, Nobody Does and K-Slice, thanks for the effort.

By the same artist, I also share Fushigi H To School Girl (172 pictures, that one, I liked it), Netoraserare volume 1 (208 pictures) and Netoraserare volume 2.

Inb4 you ask: the volume 2 that I share was actually “more” than the volume 2, it included the first chapter of the volume 3. At that time I didn’t know there was to be a third volume and didn’t know either where the volume 2 was supposed to end. All I could tell was that, apparently, that was the end of it. My bad =)

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(220 MB, 206 pictures, English)

My occasional rant about excessive file sizes: I downloaded it myself as a HUGE 451 MB archive. I thought “no, seriously, being this huge for this number and dimension of pics isn’t worth it”, so I recompressed the images before sharing. In case you needed a confirmation: it’s not the original I share here, but my recompressed version. You won’t notice any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 220 MB for you =)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to lower-standard 1600 px resolution. Originally, the images were in various vertical heights: 2500, 3012, 3028, 3048px…
The zip shrank from 220 MB to 86 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4

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5 years ago

Glad that’s over. I was really expecting(and hoping for) a yandere style murder/suicide. oh well at least its done.

5 years ago

a guy who gets off on on the humiliation and jealousy is a cuck, this dude was definitely a cuck

5 years ago

we need uncensored version, all volumes in English
no one doing it so far

5 years ago

It looks like there is some overlap between Volume 2 and 3, the dude stabs his leg or something.

Anyhow, the artwork is really good, but the censorship negates that. The sex is lousy along with the story, and I question whether it’s worth slogging through 600 pages of dialog for about 20 pages of decent sex (Volume 2 anyways).

General Hentai
General Hentai
5 years ago

Well, my hoped ending involved 2 shotgun blasts, one between his legs, and one to his head (although a chainsaw would’ve also been fine). Haruka, the wife? Her, I give a pass. Uber-Cuck made her what she is.

In the end, he can’t escape what he is (seriously, there needs to be a suicide encouragement line for him), and she can’t escape from how he made her. Still, this does have schadenfreude value: Whatever your problems in life, you’re not possibly as pathetic as this piece of shit.

A complete waste of artistic talent and one of the sexiest manga ladies. Haruka is completely, utterly adorable and sexy, virtually perfect in every artistic way. Well, hopefully this is all out of the mangaka’s system and he can go on to something that’s actually entertaining.

5 years ago

Эх, Оливер!
Да! Японцы – мастера посмеяться. Главный герой – слишком хорошо живёт. У него – тёплая должность с хорошей зарплатой. Пришёл на работу, вернулся домой. Серые дни.
Скука его жены и вызвала эти самые пертурбации!
А точнее, в самом-самом конце она вообще – честно призналась, что на самом деле она ненавидит его!

Есть такой фильм. Называется он – “Мой ласковый и нежный зверь”.
Про конец 19 века и нравы дворянства. По названию – разыщите и прочтёте про сюжет.
Музыка оттуда “Вальс облаков” композитора Евгения Доги – шедевр. Этот вальс
Фильм – как раз про женщину, которая долго колебалась и из-за неё погибло несколько мужчин.

А вообще, автор манги Netoraserare всё о себе рассказал!
О том, что у него что-то не ладится, чем-то он недоволен и кому-то завидует!
Ведь есть такая известная картина “Бесприданница”.
Когда в школе изучали про неё, все так эту девушку-невесту жалели.
Пока, уже будучи взрослыми людьми, мы не прочли историю этой картины.

И только!

Ведь есть такая известная картина “Бесприданница”. Художник Василий Пукирев.
Когда в школе изучали про неё, все так эту девушку-невесту жалели.
Пока, уже будучи взрослыми людьми, мы не прочли историю этой картины.
Которая на самом деле и называлась изначально по-другому – “Неравный брак”.
Вот так!
Про картину

Там тоже, роли тех, кто нарисован, совершенно не соответствовали! Совершенно не соответствовали нашему сочувствию!

Оригинал картиныcomment image находится в Государственной Третьяковской галерее в Москве.

Есть ещё картина-вариантcomment image того же автора.
Принадлежит Беларуси.

Сам автор-художник Василий Пукирев на картинахcomment image.

Авторы манги тоже частенько себя в своей работе в чьей то роли изображают!
Остаётся только догадываться, в какой роли Shikishiro Konomi себя отобразил!

Oh, Oliver!
Yes! The Japanese – sadistic and sarcastic masters to laugh. The main character – lives too well. He’s got a warm job with a good salary. Came to work, came home. Gray days.
The boredom of his wife and caused these very perturbation!
To be precise, at the very end she actually confessed that she really hates him!

There’s a movie. It’s called “My Affectionate and tender beast.”
About the end of the 19th century and manners of nobility.
Music from there – “Waltz of Clouds” by composer Eugene Doga – a masterpiece. This waltz
The film is just about a woman who hesitated for a long time and because of her died several men.

In general, the author of the manga Netoraserare told about himself!
That he does not get along with something, he is unhappy and jealous!
And only!

After all, there is such a famous picture “Bespridannitsa “. Artist Vasily Pukirev (
When in the school we studied about her, all so simpatizied with that girl-bride.
So far, as adults, we have not read the history of this picture.
Which in fact was originally called a different – “Unequal Marriage “.
Just like that!
About the picture

There too, the roles of those who are drawn, completely did not match! Completely did not match our sympathy!

The original picture ofcomment image is located in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

There is another picture-variantcomment image of the same author.
It belongs to Belarus.

The author-artist Vasily Pukirev on picturescomment image.

The authors of the manga, too, often themselves in their work in whose role portrayed!
It only remains to guess in what role Shikishiro Konomi has displayed him(her?)self!

5 years ago

This is one of the most profound beautiful netorare stories out there. Its a total different spectrum of feelings conveyed here. Outstanding story. Outstanding narrative structure and character development. Superb ending.