Mesudachi (“Boyish Girlfriend”) volumes 2 and 3 (“Mesudachi EX”, “Mesudachi Dachi Sun”) [English, 96 pictures], by Z-Ton
–Update: Mesudachi now has more volumes, see below for their links
Okay, here am I with a confused boner. I was absolutely certain the first Mesudachi volume was made of unspoken vanilla, two childhood friends finally becoming sexfriends, not saying words of love but, in my mind, it went without saying.
Aaaaaaaand I was wrong. Sexfriends FTW. We take the harem route. You won’t find me complaining too much, but I’m a bit sad I guessed wrong.
Here are the two follow-up volumes, Mesudachi EX, volume 2, and Mesudachi Dachi Sun, volume 3. Another girl had a soft spot for the male MC, and once she’s tasted his baguette there’s no going back to being a meek girl. Plus, you know what? In the end of the 3rd volume, a 4th girl, that I took for an NPC, becomes aroused for the male MC and will be starred (I checked the raws) in the volume 4 ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
You’ll have excellent highschool girls with damnable asses, mighty perky tits, slanted eyes on one of them (I dig that), hotpants and bikini fetish, quality two- and threesome, that was pretty good to say the least
Release credits are for AnotsuSagami, Zenturial, Magikarp_Guy and Dynellen, thanks a lot! ^_^
By the same artist, there would be also Nightmare√♀, Mesudachi volume 1 and Mesudachi volume 4.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Complete pictures galleries:
Mesudachi… volume 1,
volume 2 (“Mesudachi EX”) – volume 3 (“Mesudachi Dachi Sun”)
(For the volume 1, its gallery is linked here, but its zip links are here.)
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(113 MB, 96 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from 1920 px to lower-standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 113 MB to 30 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
mmmm… I’ll just wait till you repack em all when it’s done, thanks anyway though.
I don’t know if/when the series ends, mind you.
(⌐■_■)… . . . such is life, muthafucka
The promise of anal in the future was implied in volumes 1 and 2, but forgotten in 3.
When you can’t trust the runners of the Hershey highway, then really, who can you trust?
Ah, yeah. I didn’t particularly care for the harem direction the series took (and when the heck will we get anal with Satsuki?), so I didn’t bother to work on the sequels.
Part 4 adds Kawase to the party. A harem is fine too…
Page 23 – “As punishment for betraying me, my pussy which is now Kusuki-kun’s personal cock-sleeve will troture (rape) you good and hard …” – Kanbara Chisa to Kusuki-kun.
Moments later, ….. “THIS … IS … PUNISHMENT?” — NOT!
It became more like: “WELCOME TO THE HAREM, CHAIRMAN!”
Now, the challenge might be to get Satsuki to consent to the harem/polygamy route – Go For It, Kusuki-kun; DO NOT RESIST … IT IS YOUR DESTINY!
Destiny, destiny…
Personally, I regret I erred at first and thought that was unspoken vanilla. In my eyes, that would still have been the best route. The other girls would have been sidefucks with the blessing of the original girl because she’d have been generous in sharing her boyfriend’s dick, but there would have been the secret longing and cute not daring to voice it out loud element.
Oh well, it’s still good like that =)
And then there was Volume 3 (didn’t get into it before now), where it seems that Chisa and Satsuki demonstrate that they can get along “in that way”, but it’s re-iterated they’re both childhood friends of Kusuki-kun. And it seems that “what has been seen (by Kawase-senpai) cannot be unseen”; in fact, she may yet end up joining the Kusuki Harem – probably by the next volume.