More news from the decensoring front: Break Me (“Kowashite Kudasai”, 220 pictures long), has been decensored!

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on No comments
in Categories: Just Talking

At least the drawings are great, I gotta give you that.

Yaaaaaay, one of the worst mangas I shared on Hentairules has been decensored, 220 pictures of uncensored mindbreak, woohoo.
Obligatory 2019 additions because nowadays it has stopped being obvious: to each his own, I can respect that people have different tastes, etcetera :roll:

Don’t colour me enthusiastic, but that’s still something, this very hardcore manga with very dark contents (basically, women are meat, betrayal is justice, corruption is the ultimate purpose) is now available in a fully uncensored version.
Technically, in terms of drawings, this is god-tier, I won’t lie.

The porting of the scanlation onto the decensored scans was done by Ancient Alien, thanks are an order.

To get the new uncensored Break Me, just follow that link!

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