Netemo Sametemo [English, Uncensored!], by Takasugi Kou
Well, mother incest isn’t my favourite by far, but if you put it aside, that’s a solid release we’ve got here, at long fucking last one I got no complaints against (context: the releases I read today gave me were depressingly dark and repulsive to vanilla-loving me).
There’s great art, two persons old enough and liking each other a lot, caring for each other, the art is awesome (as we could expect from a highly skilled popular mangaka like Takasugi Kou), and to make it even better, it’s uncensored, YESSSS!
Release credits and my huge thanks are for Desudesu and Anonymous, as for the decensoring, I’m sorry but I have no idea who did it O_o
For MOAR, check The (long) list of Takasugi Kou’s works on Hentairules.
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
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(15 MB, 20 pictures, English)
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