Parasite Queen [English, 181 pictures, special “Edited For Content” version], by Fan No Hitori

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 16 comments

Admittedly, I could have picked WAY worse for a big preview pic

I was contacted in the end of April by a kind person with art and graphic design skills, Ammi, with an interesting offer. He’s got a hobby to retouch away / remove the worst stuff from mangas, for his own satisfaction, and he offered to share his edits with everyone; would be the first source (and then the internet would do its thing.)
Here is the first of those “edited for content” cleanups, Parasite Queen, by Fan No Hitori :)

Look at Ammi’s preview picture. I also invite you to read Ammi’s own introduction :)

What must be removed is a highly subjective topic, naturally, but to make it short, think of the most disgusting shit you wish you could unsee, that’s what Ammi removes.
In Parasite Queen, typically, those are the wriggling genital worms that are shopped away as if they never existed.
Or worse: this is also the birthing picture of a baby orc (it made me want to puke when I saw it, ew), that has been turned into a sea of mosaics, enough to understand what happened, but not have to see it. Would you see the idea?
I’ve got a detailed list of the changes, see for yourselves…
There are things I would have left, such as redundant images, but, hey, as I wrote, matters of POV, etc ;)

To make it short, the worst of the worst is removed, while the rest, even if bad or mildly shocking, still remains.
It will always be a matter of point of view, of course, but if I were “just” an hentai reader, for works such as Parasite Queen, I wish I had gotten its Edited for content version, instead of the original.

Would you want more “Edited for content” mangas? If yes, please leave feedback and opinions in the comments, for Ammi to read them :)

And if you want the original, non “edited for content” version, click here.

Now, for a summary of Parasite Queen… The manga is made of 3 story arcs, and even with the worst removed, HUGE warning these are still shitty DISGUSTING stories in my fragile inner maiden’s eyes. We have a case of parasites taking control of human brains to turn everyone into contagious horny monkeys; orcs breaking and breeding humans; a horny zombie apocalypse. It’s got (objectively speaking) very good art, extreme practices (prolapse, stomach deformation, rape, anal, DP, ahegaos, cum vomit, rape, impregnation, etc), with very little censorship.
I found it horrible, but you’re you, not me, so do whatever you want with it, at least Ammi removed the worst ^^
Release credits are for Cgrascal, Desudesu and Max_And_Emily_Tate :jap:

By the same artist, I also share Dolls + Extra, in two versions: Dolls + Extra: Edited For Content version (239 pictures) and Dolls + Extra: complete version (255 pictures), Dropout (192 pictures) and Parasite Queen, in two versions: the present share, the Edited For Content version, and Parasite Queen: complete tank version (193 pictures).

A bonus non-hentai info for you guys, do you want to feel even more grossed out, this time with something non hentai related? Well, then please read this scientific article in which it is explained that nematodes (y’know, worms) are the most numerically abundant animals on Earth. Four out of every five animals on Earth is a nematode. Lots of them are parasites. My only way out of this article was manic, hysterical laughter.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(288 MB, 181 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, to lower-standard 1600 px resolution. Originally, the images were in various dimensions, vertically, there were images in 3000 px, 2500 px, 1740-or-around, and 1500 px (those latter ones weren’t shrunk, only recompressed).
The zip shrank from 288 to 92 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4

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5 years ago

Don’t know if there’s a post or article here on Hentai Rules or elsewhere, but I often wonder just what was the contributing factor that at times drives h-artists to produce media (manga, anime, etc.) that, if I were to apply a polite descriptive term, I’s use THIS:

5 years ago

Seriously speaking, if ‘edited for content” means, in any way , shape or form ‘censored”, I”m agaunst the idea, even if that means that I’ll erase the manga from my hD, likely without even having finished it.

5 years ago

Actually, I got my attitude about censorship from Playboy and Penthouse. Understandably, they were very against censorship since that’s how they were making a living. And since I didn’t want anyone taking my pornography from me, I also adopted the same attitude!

I finally got a chance today to go thru both the censored and uncensored versions and I’ve gotta say this guy REALLY went overboard. He removed pictures of parasites from the girl’s textbook. (Did he also remove information on Evolution?) He removed pages he thought were redundant. (Thanks, but we already have an editor.) He also deleted the original parasite infection. Well, how are we supposed to know why the girl suddenly starts acting like a total slut? I’m suppose to READ this crap? Heck, he even removed page 33 and that was pure plot! So now he’s rewriting the story as well?

Don’t get me wrong, this is a horrid little story with some really disturbing imagery. It’s sure not going on my hard drive in EITHER form. But I find it amusing that Ammi is trying to control what the reader takes into their brain. He’s trying to control our minds by filtering a story about mind control. If the irony were any thicker, we’d have to eat this story with a fork!

5 years ago

Call it what it is, censorship, pure & simple. These mangas are being censored because a minority readership objects to the content. It may not be to my own personal taste either, but I wouldn’t distribute a censored version because of that.

5 years ago
Reply to  EeeJay

The distribution of an edited version doesn’t make the original disappear.

The community is used to having multiple versions of works anyway, so saying we should ignore versions we don’t like on principle is pretty extreme.

5 years ago

Wow, talk about a can of worms (no pun intended!) The problem with censoring something is where do you stop? Right now he’s editing out creepy insect sex. What about NTR, lots of people hate that, shall we rewrite the plot too? “Waifu, please have sex with my macho ‘friend’ behind my back!” Old Dog hates stories without incest, so he rewrites the script to add Anglo-American-named characters engaged in incest. Yay, go for it, Bobby and Suzy! And lots of people hate that loli-porn, should someone draw hair on all the little girls? “Sure, she looks like she’s 5, but look at those armpits! You could weave a basket!”

But if people want their doujinshi modified, then a market will pop up. That’s just the nature of the universe. The only prob I have is that there’s no ‘Rewrite’ or ‘Redraw’ tag on this post. This type of thing obviously bothers a few people, so it should have a tag to help people find or avoid it.

BTW, I personally hate those smug beach guys who rape all the girls and make them love it. Can we end those stories by shooting the guys in the head at the end of the story? Mmm yeah, that’d be great!

5 years ago

Me, I didn’t want to d/l the full version, but if you say the more horrible bits are removed, this one, I am taking it, I prefer it, thank you !

5 years ago

Oliver, if this stuff grossed you out, I advise you not to have a look at GAME OVERS (a RE4 doujin by Butcha-U), or the works of people like Uziga Waita and Junji Itou. Parasite Queen is lightweight in comparison (and yes I did read the stuff mentioned above, and it was quite the experience).

5 years ago

This guy is one of the mangaka’s I don’t d/l any more. His art is pretty good, but I can’t stand what he writes

5 years ago

So many complaints. It’s an improvement for me. I would read it anyway, but I prefer worms anywhere except in a vagina, shit. If given the choice, I take this version, thx.

5 years ago

Hey guys! I wanted to drop into the comments and clarify some things.
I too am against censorship. With this work, I am not intending to take a moral or legal stand against the artist or their works. The changes made are only to satisfy the personal inclinations of myself and those like me.
I don’t look down on or object to anyone who enjoys the original version and I agree that these works should be clearly labeled to differentiate them from the original (in the same way that rewrites are).

5 years ago

im for it, often nowadays im just consuming the art rather than the scenario, so removing the disturbing image is cool with me, but i also see the point of censorship.

5 years ago

I think it’s OK to have multiple versions.

I burned the cover of this work into my brain because of how disturbed I was by reading it and so that I could avoid any more unpleasant surprises by the artist even though I enjoyed 90% of their drawings.

I welcome this edited version but I won’t ask that it’s the only version available either.