Luck/Lack [English], by Cuvie
My previous Cuvie share (Tornado) was kinda cute, borderline vanilla with an open ending leaving it to our own interpretation.
Brace yourselves, this one’s darker. Much darker.
It’s about a runaway girl who found shelter at a kind person, not asking for anything in return, acting like a good samaritan… … Yeah. Actually, he was placing an online bid for raping rights over the girl, and finally a customer paid enough, so mister nice guy just had to drug the girl, deliver the goods, and fap while the deed was done ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Worse, perhaps, was the way the girl took it: her mind swept by pleasure (what the hell was the drug ^^;;), she took for granted she was an existence who deserved to be treated like a cum dump and simply went with the flow, enjoying being dicked like that
I mean, you’re welcome to like it, why not. Simply, that kind of story, it’s not for me, urgh.
Graphically though, Cuvie delivers, as always, so there’s that.
Thanks to whoever is behind this release!
(For MUCH more stuff by this artist, cf. The List of Cuvie’s Shares on HentaiRules)
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(51 MB, 26 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images, here from 3000 px to lower-standard 1600 px resolution.
The zip shrank from 51 MB to 12 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
What’s interesting about this is that it’s by Cuvie, a female mangaka. Result? This is a variation on a classic, The Female Rape Fantasy. The good girl is drugged, not her fault, raped, not her fault, discovers how amazing sex is, not her fault, becoming a sexual being, not her fault. Plus she gets paid. It just shows that women can have fantasies on the darker side.
Well written.
That will do, thanks man 👍
Here be another occasion where we (figuratively speaking) play Russian Roulette with Cuvie-sensei as the bullet … and this time around (if your preference is for her vanilla-flavored works), the moment you pull the trigger, you realize … YOU {BLEEPED} UP.
Would you rather have Yuzuki N’s forays into the dark side, like the disastrous “Another World”?
I’ve seen Cuvie works that hit the whole spectrum of fantasy, from dark to light.
Some works which will never be posted here.
I guess the only shocker is finding out Cuvie is a female mangaka. Like a variation on that old deodorant ad or something.
Strong enough for a man, but made by a woman.
I hope we’ll get to read the entirety of Nightmare Maker in English.
>Brace yourselves, this one’s darker. Much darker.
Meh..Kirby’s done worst. Feels relatively on par with her darker works. Actually, I think this might be far tamer.