Pack of 114 adult pictures by the ero-Artist Saatana/Doomsatan666
My previous picture pack (Neurodyne) was plenty freaky, and the same guy who recommended it to me sent another suggestion, the artist Saatana, AKA DoomSatan666.
This is far less extreme, but it’s still outside of the usual comfort range, so maybe you’ll still like it, you freaks!
You’ll have a fair deal of furry, this style I’ve almost exclusively seen in western porn comics in which the women’s black eye makeup falls down their faces as they experience super intense sex (or rape, in a fair deal of pages), monster girls (and/or monster men)…
See for yourselves, maybe that’ll be right up your alley
The pack of pictures I got from my dear Anon only covered the most explicit/sexual works by Saatana, and not all of them anyway.
To get more (there are more, some of the images with a strong aesthetic vibe, not porn-based), I would encourage you to view the artist’s DeviantArt page, and if you wish to leave a good “noice!” word it won’t fall into a black hole, the artist responds ^^
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(30 MB, 114 pictures)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Dear Diary, today was a good day, as I saw three things I never expected to see in this lifetime. Mind Flayer porn, Joust porn, and a duck wearing a ball-gag. Once I finish laughing, I’m going to bed because this day can get no better!
Didn’t know there was such a high demand for dinosaur rape porn.
This would explain why the authorities are fighting so hard against genetic engineering and splicing.
Human women and lizard-men, t’ain’t right.