Dolls + Extra [English, Edited For Content version, plus other improvements, 239 pictures], by Fan No Hitori
Some will call this a rewrite, me I view it as a form of cleansing that I can’t dislike, to each his own, anyway: here comes a new “Edited For Content” version, done by Ammi
In case you missed it before: I was contacted by a person called Ammi to share the edited versions he creates of some mangas, that have both (1) excellent art but (2) extreme themes that are partly tolerable, partly unbearable.
Ammi edits/removes the worst parts (so: yeah, some pages or panels disappear), according to his own personal tastes, and saves it as a new version.
Additionally, when circumstances allow, Ammi also replaces the scans with better scans.
That’s what “Edited For Content” means
Aaaaaaaand: here is the Edited For Content version of Dolls, by Fan No Hitori
Look at Ammi’s release notes for the full list, but basically, for this volume, he:
– photoshopped away blood, gore and bruises,
– deleted the pages in the chapter 6 with the strongest mind destruction
– replaced the chapters 1-4 with their tank version (see Ammi’s before/after comparison, noice!), and joined several double page spreads.
If you prefer the original “full” version, it’s right here.
By the same artist, I also share Dolls + Extra, in two versions: the present one, the Edited For Content version, and Dolls + Extra: complete version (255 pictures), Dropout (192 pictures) and Parasite Queen, in two versions: Parasite Queen: Edited For Content version, and Parasite Queen: complete tank version (193 pictures).
I copy-paste (with minor edits) the description I wrote in the original Dolls post, in case you don’t know the manga yet
A fair warning. Fan No Hitori’s style is to treat women like cattle, made to be broken, not just dominated but utterly crushed, to be betrayed, and used with cruelty and contempt. I personally view it as a huge pile of despicable stinking shit, but I can respect your tastes in porn may differ, etcetera.
In the Dolls universe, law is that women can be stripped of their human rights and become official braindead cum dumps for public use; a variety of girls will try to resist or oppose the system but will end up broken and join too, once again: etcetera. Sigh. It’s almost a pity this is drawn with great skill, intense, hardcore and varied enough to not look boring. The censorship goes from almost invisible to full lightsaber mode, it will depend. Some chapters in the end aren’t tank scans, and thus have strong whiteout censorship – deal with it.
Sorry for the long rant, either you were gonna love it anyway or you already got the point, so my wall of text must have been useless, as of usual
Release credits are for Tigoris Translates, Optitron, Desudesu and Sailor1980, Hentaicore and Philoer, plus Ammi who made this “Edited For Content” version, thanks for the fans!
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(483 MB, 239 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Smaller version incoming!
As of usual when ☑ the images are in high enough resolution and ☑ the archive is quite big for its number of pictures, and ☑ it offers a significant gain, and ☑ I have enough time to do it, if it may help, I’m offering you a smaller version, in which I resized the images to lower-standard 1600 px resolution. Originally, the images were in a variety of dimensions, 2500, 1860-ish and 3000 px.
The zip shrank from 483 MB to 127 MB.
Personally, I prefer it for reading, and it takes less disk space.
Download links, Zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
It’s so long to properly explain every time, that share took 3 times longer to prepare than normal shares.
I’ll have to improve, because, spoiler: there will be more from Ammi, I’ve just gotta prepare it ^^;;
As before, I reckon a fair number of “purists” will dislike the very idea of an edited for content version, but at the same time, I also think it should cater to the needs of another proportion of the visitors.
Those who can almost tolerate the fucked up storylines and enjoy the art, but it’s still too much for them.
For them, I believe those Edited For Content versions are an actual improvement.
And if I can deal with stuff I don’t like because I think there’s worth in sharing it, as I know it will greatly please a fraction of the visitors, I believe I can trust the purists to also endure the thought there are edited for content versions
That said, if you’ve got feedback, remarks, suggestions, criticism, be vocal! Ammi reads the comments
Stories shouldn’t have to be altered to suit an audience. The audience should choose to read or not read the story. Not only does the story have precedence but also, that act of choice, without any cheap cheats, is an act of self-respect and moral stance. Reality doesn’t have to bend to our will, we have to adjust to what reality offers. Or we could just rewrite everything to make it more palatable and standardized, but as for myself, I can’t see myself living inside a planet-sized version of MAcOS X ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
(just no idea why that comment was detected as spam)
I look on it as akin to the old school practice of editing for broadcast TV.
That said, while I had few problems with the editing of the previous work on parasites (which I haven’t read), here the editing threatens to impact the story to a greater extent. While tentacles and grotesque things being edited can impact a story, it looks like a greater impact happens here, as the editing diminishes how EVIL the society in this story is, one where random women become sex slaves…except the game is also rigged. The message of an all powerful government’s tyranny is lessened by edits which lessen the horror of that message…or the irredeemable pricks so many of the men of that society are. And, yeah, I read this story, though I ended up uttering 3 words over and over:
“Not enough napalm. Not enough napalm….”
I can hear the screams: “Kill it with fire!”
The society they describe here is running on fallacious logic too: they claim to have eradicated sex crimes… when they actually turned them into an institution. It’s a stance I’ve seen before in other manga, and not even hentai ones: if you guys have read the old Dominion manga by Shirou Masamune, you might recall that the Yamata empire was planning to burn and destroy all of the bad karma tl keep only good karma around, in a giant naga reactor… and Susano Orbatos, the chaos god, did point out that that th act of *destroying* bad karma, by being an act of destruction, was in itself a bad karma factory.
Point in case: never trust poititicians in manga. They’ll fuck you up the arse.
At least, in the real world, we can trust the politicians.
And now I want to cry ^^;;
I think some of them should read more hentai and speak less. Also, we would know better what to expect from them based on what kind of hentai they read. Kind of, “Tell me what your fap material is, I’ll tell you who you are”… okay now I am starting to make mental associations. That’s slightly disturbing.
I discussed that topic yesterday by email, but I still don’t find a definitive conclusion to the question.
At the center of everything, there’s this notion that an artist has a moral right over his creation, and the creation is a whole. Altering it would be morally wrong.
Personally, I would disagree, why couldn’t we alter it however we want, the key point is that we’re not forcing anyone to follow suit.
Otherwise, if we must fully respect the wholeness of the art piece, even decensoring it would be wrong, as it was meant to be published with bars, no?
Somehow, that’s like the Dark Souls / Sekiro discussion, with some people modding the game to make it easier, vs the people calling it a sin and asking that casual gamers just choose another game in that case.
Both sides can be right, it remains, definitely, a matter of point of view in which there isn’t only one side that is in the right.
Edit: but we wouldn’t be humans if it were so simple to resume our lives after we learn that people think differently ^^;;
Hmmm you raise a few things there that I’d love to talk about more. Damn, I would never have thought that hentai would bring me back to philosophy.
Is there any chance of having the tank versions of chapters 1-4 added to the original?