For me that’s kinda obvious, but maybe not for everyone…
It’s been a few days I tell myself I should make a friendly post like that.
If the scanlated mangas aren’t enough for you in volume, if you’re bored with the censorship, or you lust after the contact of paper, maybe give a second chance to Fakku, 2D-Market or Project Hentai.
Fakku, in particular, has improved by leaps and bounds since the start of their going official time, now you’ve got fully decensored games and anime. The only fault with their system would be the incredibly annoying online reading restriction, but I guess there’s no legal way around that.
Well, that was that. For me, as I wrote above, this is definitely obvious, but, hey, maybe not for everyone who’s reading Hentairules, so here I am, posting the links ^_^
Two updates: I didn’t know of Enshodo until today (thanks CellTF for the mention, and then explanation they weren’t fakku, only using them as a distribution channel, just like game studios with Steam).
And then, I just found out, there’s an official Linda Translation Project, they need funds to get things rolling, it’s an Indiegogo campaign in cooperation with the artist.
Oh you know what, since I’m sharing tons of links already, I’ll mention my friend Desudesu opened a Patreon to try and start scanlating things he loves himself, in addition to his usual commissions. He’s currently jobless, so it would help.
Don’t forget Enshodo as well!
I simply never heard of them at all ^^;;
Oh well, I can mention them too ^^
EDIT: oh wait, they use Fakku as a platform? Then mentioning Fakku should do, no?
Or I’m getting things mixed up O_o
You haven’t heard about Enshodo? They have a ton of releases available through Fakku and work with several popular artists like Sasamori Tomoe, Tachibana Omina, Shindou etc. I don’t mean to sound like I’m giving a sale pitch for them, but they do good work.
It’s like how companies sell PC games through Steam. Valve didn’t make those games, companies just use Steam as a means of getting their games out to the masses. It’s the same way with Enshodo and Fakku. Enshodo is not Fakku, they’re a separate company, they just sell their localizations through Fakku.
Thanks for the Steam comparison, without it I’d still be in the dark now. I added them to my post then
Speaking for myself, I’ve gotten a few things from Project-H that, to date and so far as my searching goes, couldn’t be found anywhere else. In short, I’m fine with options aside from Hentai Rules … but the banter and interactions here is superior to elsewhere (just IMHO).
Just be honest and confess nobody tolerates your humour outside of this blog’s comments
I usually hit up Hentaifox after here while doing the usual nightly check in to see what’s been uploaded, but if I’m looking for something in particular I’ll go to E-Hentai or Hentaifromhell.
Though it has sporadic updates, I’d also recommend Hentai.Cafe.
I have my own sources I cannot mention, I imagine we all have, in the end ^^
Me, here, I was focusing on the legal sources, though.
I’ve purchased from Fakku before. Unfortunately the postal options are quite limited and I am pretty much paying double the price of a tankoubon when it comes to delivery to my location.
It might just be me but what do you mean with “The only fault with their system would be the incredibly annoying online reading restriction, but I guess there’s no legal way around that.”?
I download all the h-manga/tankoubons i buy from Fakku and then read them using CDisplay. No DRM at all.
I was talking about the magazine chapters that you can only read online.
Ah. I skip those since i don’t like subscriptions. I buy and own
Hehe. Also buying and owning, but now I have kids, I only do that very rarely, I can’t have my collection on display so it’s no fun when they’re hidden. It’s a pity, but, eh, no way around that ^^
And for subscriptions, basically I go for the torrents you find on the internet.