Natsu No Arbeit [English], by Tamagoro

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 3 comments

Looking good, even if the story's not in my comfort zone

Oh, I had missed that one’s release, my bad. Here is a (cough) relatively recent Tamagoro release, about a highschool girl having sex on the school’s swimming pool grounds.
I had mixed feelings, I’ve always been a huge fan of swimsuits (I mean, who isn’t, right?), but the theme this time is that the girl secretly loves being dominated and treated sexually without being asked for her opinion. For me, that’s a boner slayer theme :-/

I’m not sure who scanlated it, would it be the E-Hentai user called Poxin, or is it just yet another resharing place and I didn’t find the original source? Sorry, no idea O_o Well, thanks to whoever is behind the release, if you read my lines ^^

For more, I recommend you check The list of Tamagoro’s works on Hentairules!

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(20 MB, 16 pictures, English)

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5 years ago

Personally don’t care how many ‘heart’ symbols are inserted into Suzu’s dialogue (perhaps to infer that she actually enjoys being, for all practical purposes, raped) … here’s my wish for dirtbag male childhood friend (and if Tamagoro-sensei never depicts it, there’s always imagination):
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5 years ago

Nice boobs.

5 years ago

If it’s tamagoro then no matter how fu*ked up the story is I would probably still read it cause I could still get a boner from the art alone