Komi-san Wa H Mousoushou Desu (“Komi-san Has Strange Ideas About Sex”) [English, Full colour], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu series, by Wox Yang
I don’t remember how I came to discover Komi-san wa Komyushou Desu, this is a unique manga series, about a cute highschool girl with a strong communication disorder. She’s not quite an ojou-sama, but her proper upbringing helped her remain sheltered and didn’t help her learn how to communicate with people. And yet, highschool life being highschool life, there’s hope and romance in wait for her
Please, try reading the series if you don’t know it yet, it’s cute, funny and pleasant!
And now, the first decent parody of the Komi-san series I’ve seen! Let’s be frank: the art is average at best, and the censorship is bad (small mosaics). But at the same time, Komi-san is rather well represented, and the mangaka respected the original manga’s idiosyncrasies, such as the “simplified” faces Komi-san does.
In the end, there are a few bonus pages with the other girls we see in the series, too.
All in all, I believe it’s worth sharing. Plus, it’s an opportunity to recommend the Komi-san series on Hentairules, which is a win in my eyes ^_^
We owe this release to Rotoscopic, Constipat8 and Undead_Soviet, thank you!
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(29 MB, 32 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
RUN Oliver, RUN, The Crusade has just begun and Crusaders are on their way to you 😉 🤣.
My ass is fine, lol.
I don’t see why the wonderful Komi would be alien to physical desire and fornication fantasies. She is fully human, her image of perfection is only that, an image, every reader knows it ^^
A BIG shit strom broke loose after “hawes”(if I remember correctly) posted his “lewd” drawing of komi, and some brain dead morons began to report his accounts on FB, twitter, so, yeah …
I personally, have nothing against a “GOOD” hentai, and this one wasn’t so bad 😝, so I will not march with torches and pitchforks 😉 🤣.
I thought you were teasing, and then
It’s crazy how weebs are pathetic scum. They “defend” fictional characters but secretly they’ll masturbate like mad to the few r34s that they love most and for which they won’t mind.
The same kind of people who are addicted to porn but loudly express contempt for porn actresses and pretend they’re inferior humans.
I reckon in the end all humans are garbage, but, those guys, they’re Garbage Pro ©®™
Yeah, hews pic was good, got this nice sublime erotic vib, not some cheap shit you may come across.
But I have to admit that, sometime when I see what kind of dog shit authors can do, I feel like I want to march out with torch and pitchfork, for the distaste that I’ve been left, after dealing with their “masterpiece”.
I think a lot of different factors come together with protecting Komi. It’s funny to act like the characters in the story, protecting the “Goddess”, plus there’s the feeling that taking advantage of Komi is like picking on a handicapped kid. Quite honestly, her problems with communication go into seriously autistic territory, so being mean to her is the ultimate social crime. There’s also the added perk that unlike real life, she can’t turn on you and be mean because of some perceived slight against her, so she’s “safe”. Lastly, there’s a strong “moe” factor, where you just want to protect Komi from the world and cherish her like a kitten. So she’s like the Perfect Storm of fictional character that everyone wants to worship, protect, and cherish. Be nice to her and you’ve joined the majority of other people being nice to her, which beats being the abused minority.
It’s just humans being humans, what can you do? Start your own race of robots?
You claim to be a Komi fan and you show us the Goddess being banged in the ass? (Scratches head.) You’ve got a funny way of worshiping! Any TRUE fan would have mentioned that the official English translation, “Komi Can’t Communicate, Vol. 1” is hitting Amazon on June 11th, but maybe the rabid fans beating down your door interrupted that announcement.
Although I will admit this is the best parody I’ve seen so far, even if it is missing Manbagi.
– I’m not an Amazon fan, I’ll buy from any shop except theirs
– I care relatively little for Amazon US, personally, and the USA are, what, 20, 25% of my blog visitors
– I didn’t know btw
Well, it’s not like Amazon is doing the translation, I just figure you can use this as a general barometer that the book will be available on whatever-the-heck you do use. Le Barnes and Noble? Nathan’s Manga and Fap Books? Pomph!
My backlog on manga is already pretty full, but I will see if this winds up on Comixology or somewhere.
Sex was good in this one.