Yukikomyu (“Yukiko’s Social Link”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Persona 4 game, by Gorgonzola

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 1 comment

WHY does she look so sexy with a hairband? O_o

Ah, that reminds me, with Persona 5 available on PC, I should try to play that game, one of these days. At the moment, I’m playing Dragon Quest XI when I have some spare time, and it’s absolutely AMAZING as a game. The quality of the graphics is stunning, the immersion is really great, the dramatic feelings are strong… I don’t really want the game to end, haha ^^ Still, when I finish DQ11, I’ll go for Persona 5 :)
And in the much longer run, when my graphical card’s life ends (there’s no way I’d replace something still working), at last I’ll have, with the new card, something that would allow me to play The Witcher III, that will have been a long wait :lol:

Ahem, sorry, I digress, as always. This share is about Yukiko Amagi, from Persona 4. She discovers sex, becomes a sex junkie because of a bad habit of taking a super potent energy drink after sex, has sex with people other than her boyfriend, gets things straight with him in the end (and he fucking accepts it?!?). Long story short, it’s more than 40 pages with just sex, even with rather average art, it’s pretty good :twisted:

Release credits are for Steven_Even and Animefan71109, thank you! :jap:
By the same artist, I also share Karuta Toka Dou Demo Ii, Naisho No Ohime-sama and GoddessLife Hestia Hen.

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(35 MB, 50 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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5 years ago

Had the rhythm of a spastic alley cat.