Yumenosaki Gakuin No Tenkousei-chan Ga Idol No Tamago O Kuiarashiteru Tte Hontou Desu Ka!? [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Ensemble Stars series, by Alice No Takarabako
Picture yourselves a idol highschool in which the boys enroll for the special male idol course, making it a school populated only by hunks. That would be a sort of male equivalent of one of those female idol producing series: this is Ensemble Stars. I don’t dare make research on the topic, for fear I would find results, but in my eyes this is totally yaoi material ^^;; Oh, wait, no, maybe it’s more akin to otome material, a single girl with around her a harem of boys?
In this share, there’s a female slut that joins the highschool, and she won’t even think twice about plucking all those available cherries, she’s on the loose
The drawings are pretty good, almost uncensored on a good number of pages, and I might not care for bishies, I love slutty highschool girls, not even to mention the bonuses in the last part of the volume, it was sweet
Thanks a lot to Burnmydread, BakaSquad, ChosenOne68, Undead_Soviet and Freudia, from Doujin Dungeon!
For more, see the list of Alice No Takarabako’s (also known as Mizuryu Kei) works on Hentairules…
And now, the download & gallery links 
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(32 MB, 41 pictures, English)
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Weird to see a completely naked woman in one of AnT’s works.
Her “OM NOM NOM” Level is OVER NINE THOUSAND! And perhaps once in a while, a Reverse Harem is fine, too (Gender Equality FTW).
Suggested Theme Song for this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJL-lCzEXgI