Spiritual Lunch 2 [English], by Otaku Beam
Haaa, that was adorable ^_^
After Spiritual Lunch 1, here is the second volume, in which, besides the “normal” action between the human male and his unexperienced succubus girlfriend, there is an introduction in which the succubus mother treats herself to a little bit of the male MC.
I regret the volume wasn’t longer, when you deal with MILF and teen succubi, 26 pages simply aren’t enough
Honest warning, the MILF doesn’t get much action, the thick black bar censorship gets a lot in the way. But even like that, I felt the drawings really shone, this is high quality hentai
We owe this release to baked_yeems, thank you!
For MOAR, please see The list of Otaku Beam’s works on HentaiRules…
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
(Spiritual Lunch volume 1’s gallery is here)
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(21 MB, 26 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
Even if she didn’t actually ‘sample his material’ (know-what-I-mean, know-what-I-mean), it’s probably a fair assumption that Succubus Mother has given male protag-kun her Approval, so far as his being with her daughter.
Compared to the first chapter, this is really hot.
Hot enough that I’d love to see a full 200 page volume of this series.
Here’s to hoping!
“hope for the best, prepare for the worst, expect for boredom”
Anyway this manga is very satisfying!
“Pomf!” Rofl, I wonder if that was in the original Japanese or just something that the translator added? And it sounded like the boy’s mother is giving the relationship her approval as well, since she let a certain girl come inside and go up to her son’s room in the morning!