Papakatsu JK No Ecchi Na Bait [English], by Takayaki
A gentle female highschooler resorts to prostitution to feed her family, fortunately the mangaka so willed it that only good things happen to her, the customers pay well and are equally gentle. So let’s just enjoy, shall we?
The drawings are excellent (as expected from a world class artist like Takayaki), the girl’s body looks both innocent (or maybe pure, should I say? Not tainted, not corrupted… Or “honest”, maybe? Ah, I don’t find the proper word! She fully embraces sexuality but there’s nothing wrong or filthy about it so it’s like the purity of her nature is preserved, and it shows… Anyone to suggest me a better term to describe it?) and amazingly erotic, to the point I didn’t even resent the (save rare exceptions) ugly blurry censorship.
Enjoy said, have a great fap, guys! ^_^
The scanlation was made by MrBubbles, many thanks!
–Update: I got the title wrong, my apologies. It ended in “Bait” and not “Beit”. I’ll quote Fresiak, who kindly left a comment to explain things: “the last word in the title is baito not beit. It’s short for arubaito (part-time job) which comes from the german word Arbeit (work)“.
For more delicious hentai, see The list of ALL TakayaKI’s works on Hentairules!
Now, I don’t fear to look like a pervert when I write this, not on Hentairules, but damn that sailor uniform was the shit! Quality choice, great job, mr customer!!
And now, the download & gallery links 
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(21 MB, 24 pictures, English)
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I have no words to describe this … hope this is adequate:

Could the word you’re looking for be “ingenuous”? As a matter of sincerity, a true and candid posture toward herself and others.
Hmmm, it could do, Phil, it could do…
At first I was skeptical, as in my language the equivalent term “ingénu” is much stronger in its implications, hinting at being mentally retarded or at least abnormally childlike if it’s applied to an adult. However, I browsed dictionaries, and from the looks of it, in English, it hits the sweet spot.
I’m taking it
Thank you ^^
Kept thinking of the O’Jays song while reading this.
For the love of money…
It would be better if she could find other job to feed her family rather than resorted to prostitution.
When some people find that being a prostitute is an “effective” way of making money, then there is something wrong with the society, when the society make people have no choice but to prostitute themselves for living means.
People may ask me “why are you here you hypocrite ?” Well, I don’t think a hand is equal to a whole human, I don’t believe sex toys or hentai can be put at the same place as human. Using a real human to release the sexual urges is pulling humanity down to the level of sex toys, that is a gross violation of human dignity.
Legalizing prostitution is not respecting human rights. It is the legalization of human rights violation, and com-modify of human dignity and family relationship – sex is a key element in the husband-wife relationship.
As far as I know (and my apologize to the Dutch people if I am wrong) In the Netherlands foreign travelers can rent local man as “husband” for one day. Now I wonder, does the society consider husband, wife, family relationship as commodities, as something can be sell, buy, and make money ?
@Oliver: My apologize for such annoying comment.
Hey, man, no worries. As long as people remain courteous and don’t act with douchebag intentions (I think the term is triggering, in olde internet english: trolling
), it’s fully OK to have minority opinions.
Personally, I’m all for prostitution, but I guess that had already transpired at some point.
Among the reasons: I don’t want to be an hypocrite with myself, so I can’t condemn sex trade. I never used prostitutes, however I watch plenty of porn, and it’s basically the same, women (and men, although I don’t watch) paid to have sex with strangers they don’t care about. I have respect for porn actresses, so in my eyes prostitutes deserve just the same, it’s not an easy job, but they do it and thanks for doing it.
Also, I view prostitution as a “valve” for society. Let’s be frank, plenty of adults are ugly, socially awkward, devoid of self-confidence. So, just for that reason, they should live a sexless life, as they reckon they won’t ever have success in finding sexual partners? It’s unfair for a need ingrained in each of us. If they can save money and, every x months, hire someone for that feeling of relief, in my eyes it’s a win for everyone. A win for the prostitutes (they don’t do that for the pleasure, they do that for the money, which they collect); a win for the individuals who needed it to feel humans and know they can have a slice of the happiness they aspire to; and a win for society as a whole for not being full of unsatisfied losers (no evil intentions, it’s fully OK to be a loser, to belong to the loser side, not everyone can be strong, not everyone’s inner spring is in a good state that allows to rebound) desperate and potentially breeding unrest.
Sure, there’s the problem that plenty of prostitutes aren’t independant women but victims of exploitation. But that, it’s a problem not with prostitution itself, but with society pushing the profession into the welcoming arms of organized crime. Just like cannabis in countries where it becomes legal, regulation and decriminalization works.
Look at the wall of text I wrote below a comment on a porn sharing post, heh.
Hey Oliver, the last word in the title is baito not beit. It’s short for arubaito (part-time job) which comes from the german word Arbeit (work).
Allright, I’ll correct the post. Thanks a lot for the explanation Fresiak