Carmilla-san To Sugosu Kyuujitsu Wa Yasumenai (“No Rest On A Day Off With Carmilla”) [English], an hentai doujinshi parodying the Fate / Grand Order game, by Fue (circle Ronpaia)
I don’t think I knew this Fate / Grand Order character, Carmila. In the images I found on the internet she’s super scary, intimidating and all, while in this doujinshi she’s all mellow and lovey-dovey.
There’s no scenario to mention, we’re simply given the chance to watch a fuck marathon between Carmilla and her master. They have excellent vaginal sex, of course, but also Fue’s specialty, long, intense, fantastic blowjobs, apparently feeling even better than vaginal sex.
I don’t even find the proper words to explain how and why, simply: the drawings are AWESOME, intense, masterful, every detail contributes to making everything great… hats off, Fue, hats off!!
Hive-san is behind this release, thanks a lot!
There’s more for you: see The list of all the works by Fue shared on Hentairules!
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(31 MB, 25 pictures, English)
Honest precision, originally I got it as a 101 MB archive, but that looked pointlessly bloated to me. I allowed myself to recompress the images, you shouldn’t see any difference with the naked eye, but now it’s only 31 MB
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
The uploaded link is missing the ‘h’ in ‘http’ so it doesn’t work.
Woops. Thanks A-M
Always happy to see a new work by Fue
Cool, a new Fue! Thanks, Oliver!
Damn, it’s like their groins were bonded at a molecular level.
Wow, who knew that chaotic evil vampiresses are such sweet and loving horndogs!