Hibana-chan No Kusuguri Sex Life [English, Full color], by Alcohorick
Let’s be frank: the moment I saw the name “Alcohorick”, I knew I would have to share it. And imagine the whole range of nicknames that suddenly appeared before my eyes, from Olivier to Oliver, why didn’t I continue with Alcoholiver?
Ahem, sorry. This share. A cute girl with tanned skin and tanlines has pretty good sex, basically. She’s presented as cheerful and, well, not especially brainy (plus this odd “visible canines” touch), while her man is the kind of guy who loves to tease his woman, he’ll rub her skin with an aphrodisiac and use some aphrodisiac plant as foreplay tool. It’s kinda weird when you think of it, but, eh, after all, why not? ^^;;
However, you’re gonna mourn the level of censorship, it’s so blurred you won’t get any genitalia, it’s not even possible to be sure at what moment the foreplay ended and it became vaginal sex, it’s a pity
Thanks to Desudesu and his anonymous commissioner!
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Artist’s name is Uchida Shou, BTW.
Yeah, I was just about to say that Uchida Shou was the artist’s name listed at Hentaifox too.
IMHO, a tanned and twin-tailed hottie is fine, too … pity about the censorship used (GRR!).
Seemed to end rather abruptly, unless the intent is to do a continuation. Got no problem if that does indeed happen one day.
Um, at least this was in color.
Alcoholiver sounds like a slang version of cirrhosis.