Harem Wedding The Sweet Honeymoon [English, 227 pictures], by Sinbo Tamaran

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By Oliver (AKA the Admin) on 7 comments

The ONLY scene with anal in the whole volume. Enjoy it ^^;;

This is clearly part of a series, but (a) I have no clue, and (b) I didn’t like what I read enough to make me want to take the time searching until I found relevant information. So, whoever knows, you’re welcome to leave a comment with explanations for everyone to read, thank you :)

This manga is about a brave knight marrying four noble/powerful/warrior/magician/somethin women, and living the traveling harem life afterwards. He also blesses other women with his dick along the way, always with the blessing of his wives, while some of the wives also engage in yuri time as an occasional bonus.
They all love each other, so I suppose I should call it vanilla, but in my eyes it’s suuuuper bland, as if it lacked soul. Still, let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth, 227 pages drawn with decent skill (almost exclusively vaginal sex with a few bonuses such as paizuri), it’s pretty nice already :D

For this release, my thanks go to Cedr777 and Rudy Omega, from TripleSevenScans (hey, when did the group die?!?), commissioned by HentaiHere.com and Hentai2Rread.com (they’re a single entity or collaborated, no idea?)

And now, the download & gallery links :)

Open the Complete Pictures Gallery

Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(169 MB, 227 pictures, English)

Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3

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5 years ago

You wouldn’t have needed to look far; E-Hentai has the explanation right there in the comments.

To quote the poster Terad:

For anyone confused about the plot: this is indeed a sequel/epilogue to a novel called “Harem wedding”, part of the Harem series by Takeuti Ken with art by various ilustrators.
The novels in the series generally aren’t related to eachother (with some exceptions), apart from taking place in the same world.
The series is being translated, however “Harem Wedding” is still a ways off.
RAW novel: https://e-hentai.org/g/635204/ea883251fe/

5 years ago

Added to my “To Download” queue and will check out in due time, but it has me wondering whatever happened to this series (which, based on synopsis, might turn out the better series IMHO, if it ever continues to conclusion):


5 years ago

Not exactly certain when did TripleSevenScans “pass away”, but I recall they had done the English Version up to (IIRC) Chapter 3 of a tankoubon by Sabashi Renya.

Looks like, in due time, it’s MHM to the rescue … unless that tank shows up over at Project-H or somewhere else.

5 years ago

Mormon hentai.