Koibito Gokko volume 2 [English], by Taono Kinoko
This volume comes as a sequel to Koibito Gokko 1 and Kareshi No Me No Mae De Anal Kaihatsu Sareru, that I both share here.
Writing an intelligent manga based on swapping (frequently trading partners) without falling into the pit trap known as netorare requires extraordinary balance and psychological insight.
And so, what have we got here? A swapping manga in which one of the two men has an inferior sex drive, a smaller dick, is unable to make his girlfriend cum as hard, is frequently (although gently) reminded he isn’t as good, his occasional pleas to slow down are disregarded, and (the volume 2’s new element) the other guy plays mind games with his girlfriend to make her think boyfriend-kun doesn’t truly care about her.
Riiiiiiiiight, I can understand hearsay telling the mangaka doesn’t want us to categorize the series as netorare, of couuuuuuuurse…. ¬_¬
You know what, I’m done, the story went from a failure to a retard train, I’m hopping off, fuck it
And now, the download & gallery links 
Open the Complete Pictures Gallery
Download the Free Hentai Manga in a Zip file
(38 MB, 57 pictures, English)
Or you can also use the Alternative:
Zip Mirror #1 – or – Zip Mirror #2 – or – Zip Mirror #3
And no need to tell me that (a) I lost the game and (b) the male MC is a huge cuck and he’s got a responsibility in the wreck. I’m aware, it drives me even angrier I wasted ten minutes of my life trying to imagine in my mind excuses for the story or for the mangaka.
Art is pretty good, sex scenes pretty hot and the girls are cute. This could be great if not for the plain and cliche story, some more influence from the second girl over the plot could’ve improved it greatly.
Too many crosswalk patterns. I think something got jammed into an ass, but it just looked like groin train tracks.
Both male main characters would better take a nap on train tracks, that would improve greatly the scenario