Redirection page: the works by Katsurai Yoshiaki on Hentairules
I should have made that page years ago: here is the list of everything I share by Katsurai Yoshiaki
I apologize in advance for the super-confusing precision: sometimes, Katsurai Yoshiaki publishes works under the name of the “Basutei Shower” circle. However, sometimes, under that Basutei Shower name, it will be another mangaka called “Kekocha”. And Kekocha’s “main” circle when publishing under a circle name is “Chibikko Kingdom”. None of this makes managing our collections easier, I know ¯\_(°_o)_/¯
The mangaka creates strongly, very strongly contrasted stories. Either cute vanilla, carefree or moving, or dark scenarii, ending bad, with women becoming proud to be treated as holes. I can’t tell if the mangaka loves both genres or simply caters to different customer niches ^^;;
I’m listing first the covers (mandatory warning: some covers might be missing from here, image links die sometimes), and, once you scroll down, the complete list.
Kokuhaku Lovers [English, 227 pictures]
Kanojo To Yukata De Natsu No Yoru [English]
(This is a sequel to Kokuhaku Lovers.)
Allow me a “No shit Sherlock, you don’t say?” moment: you’ll notice the opposition between the covers of Black Rubbers and Kokuhaku Lovers, visibly chosen to reflect those two sides to Katsurai Yoshiaki’s stories, dark and light, right?
Actually, there’s more to it, I’ll let you read it in the description of Kokuhaku Lovers
Shiramine Hibiki No Ryoukan Nisshi [English]
The White Bud Of A Lust Flower chapter 1 [English]
Natsume-ke No Nichijou [English]
Immorals Girls Party [English]
Kenzaki San’s Sexual Reasoning [English]
Wild Nudie Trip Sex Harem 2 [English]
Sex Party Hard Drug Lesson [English]
Perverted Sword Art – Sister X Lover [English]
Pack of 5 works [English]
– After Flowers
– After School Obedience Coaching
– Over Upper
– Sister Friend
“Does a fountain send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water?” – James 3:11.
What is true of a fountain can also be considered true of many an eromanga artist (Katsurai-sensei included) … they may produce “diabetes-inducing vanilla”, as well as (as I tend to refer to it) “crunchy frog crap”, but in all likelihood, not at the same time.
See … it’s not only about T&A here at HentaiRules.
Should be a warning label on this page.
WARNING: Page may cause disorientation, a loss of time, and sore nads.