Service Time Lover chapters 1-2 [English], by Yoshu Ohepe, + the complete Japanese manga (199 pictures)
How would you feel about some wet and sloppy hentai loving? Two highschoolers, finally becoming lovers after finding out they share the same smell fetish, passionately making love in the swimming club’s locker room?
There you go, these are the chapters 1 and 2 of the Service Time Lover tankoubon, enjoy! ^___^
The censorship is a pain in the ass, those bars are super thick, but it doesn’t ruin it, the girl’s dark skin, with lovely tanlines, the entranced expressions on both the girl and the boy, the energy coming out of the drawings, that was totally worth it
Thanks to whoever is behind this release!
For MORE stuff by Yoshu Ohepe, don’t miss The list of all his shares on Hentairules!
Before the read/download links, I beg you to forgive me, I must add potentially important notes. You know me, I tend to try to not let you download something if you’re going to regret you downloaded it. So I throw a truckload of precisions in your face first:
(1) The second chapter was also known as Fushidarana Karada, I shared it back in 2009, however at that time those were magazine scans with huge whiteout censorship, so the present version is a net improvement.
(2) the following chapter, that would be the chapter #3 of the tankoubon, was also shared on Hentairules in 2015, at that time: under the “Service Time Lover” name. But it’s annoyingly complicated, I am truly sorry: apparently it uses different scans than the ones I found for the Japanese raw, they are in smaller resolution (“only” 2500 px, while the raw I got was 3000 px save for the even higher res cover), however the image quality is clearly better, see this VS that, notice how it’s/or not blurry? You are welcome to get it here
(3) No idea why the present English version is only with images around 1880 px high res, I wonder
And now, the download & gallery links 
Complete pictures galleries:
the English translated chapters 1-2, and the complete Japanese tankoubon
I share 4 zips. In 2 pairs.
– First pair, for the English-translated chapters 1-2 Service Time Lover (38 pictures).
First, the “official” version, and, second, a version in which I shrank the images from around 1860 px px to 1600 px, the file size fell from 61 MB to 17 MB, 44 MB smaller!
– Second pair, for the Japanese raw, 199 pictures in total.
First, the high res version, and, second, my “made smaller” version (shrinking the images from 3000 px to 1600 px saved us 134 MB, from 214 MB to 80 MB)
– Service Time Lover: the English-translated chapters 1-2!
Full-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
Smaller version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
– Service Time Lover: the Japanese raw tankoubon!!
Full-size version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
Smaller version, zip: Mirror #1 – or – Mirror #2 – or – Mirror #3 – or – Mirror #4
No one does wet, sweaty sex like Yoshu Ohepe.
His characters all need to drink a liter of water afterward to rehydrate themselves.
Hence, the swimming pool club. They love that water around them.
YO needs to just break down and have a slime girl doujin.
200+ pages of women made of ooze. Call it “The Secret of the Ooze”
*whisper* Oops, legal tells me that one’s already taken.